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Østkyst Hustlers

Band, DK
A.k.a. Hustlerne

The Danish rap group was formed in 1993 by Peyk, a former member of MC Einar, for the making of a rap Christmas calendar for a radio program. He grouped up with Bossy Bo and Jazzy H. and it was a big success. Together they set a new goal; to make the world’s longest rap (released on CD) and made a 79 minutes long rap. It was played as a mini series’ on Danish National Radio P3 and sold about 90.000 copies. They since released a couple of albums and each featured on and produced of other artist.

Nikolaj Peyk
sampler DK
Bo Rasmussen
voc, sampler
Morten Trier
Popular Tracks   
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Håbløs on Fuld Af Løgn by Østkyst Hustlers
Penge Ind På Torsdag on Fuld Af Løgn by Østkyst Hustlers
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98 Oktan Bly on Verdens Længste Rap by Østkyst Hustlers
Ankomst on Verdens Længste Rap by Østkyst Hustlers
Bla Bla Bla on Fuld Af Løgn by Østkyst Hustlers
Hvor Cool Kan En Hvid Mand Blive on Fuld Af Løgn by Østkyst Hustlers
Ik 'S' Meget on Fuld Af Løgn by Østkyst Hustlers

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Hey TøsepigeØstkyst Hustlers2017Single
Hustlerstil 1995-2005Østkyst Hustlers2005Compil.
KyssesvinetØstkyst Hustlers1998Single
Står Her EndnuØstkyst Hustlers1998Single
Tredje Til HøjreØstkyst Hustlers1998Single
Så Hold Dog Kæft!Østkyst Hustlers1998Album
Penge Ind På TorsdagØstkyst Hustlers1997Single
HåbløsØstkyst Hustlers1997Single
Han Får For LidtØstkyst Hustlers1996Single
HustlerstilØstkyst Hustlers1996Single
Fuld Af LøgnØstkyst Hustlers1996Album
Uddrag Fra Verdens Længste RapØstkyst Hustlers1995Single
Verdens Længste RapØstkyst Hustlers1995Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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