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Album Cover
Şebnem Ferah

Album TR 2001 on Universal Müzik Yapım label

PortraitŞebnem Ferah voc, *1972 TR
vocals, acoustic guitar, producer, arranged by, album by
Buket Doran
bass, bass, fretless, arranged by
PortraitAykan İlkan dr, *1973 TR
drums, percussion, arranged by
PortraitMetin Türkcan g,
electric guitar, acoustic guitar, arranged by
PortraitOzan Tügen str,
keyboards, computer, synthesizer, loops, edited by, arranged by
PortraitErtan Tekin sax, TR
PortraitApocalyptica , *1993 FI
Feridun Ertaşkan design, graphics
Ian Cooper mastered by
Zeynel Abidin Ağgül photography by
Kaya Tanyel recorded by
Juha Heininen recorded by, mixed by
Levent Büyük recorded by, mixed by
Fuat Güner backing vocals
Özkan Uğur backing vocals
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1SigaraŞebnem Ferah
2AşkŞebnem Ferah
3Sil BaştanŞebnem Ferah
4Nereye KadarŞebnem Ferah
5PerdelerŞebnem Ferah
6Günaydın SevgilimŞebnem Ferah
7DünyaŞebnem Ferah
8Saatim ÇalmadanŞebnem Ferah
9Korkarak YaşıyorsanŞebnem Ferah
10 Perdeler [Apocalyptica Version]Şebnem Ferah
11 Yemen TürküsüŞebnem Ferah
12 Bonus VCDŞebnem Ferah
13 "Perdeler" Şebnem Ferah & Apocalyptica - Stüdyo Çalışmalarından GörüntülerŞebnem Ferah
14 Vazgeçtim DünyadanŞebnem Ferah
15 YağmurlarŞebnem Ferah
16 Bu Aşk Fazla SanaŞebnem Ferah
17 FırtınaŞebnem Ferah
18 BugünŞebnem Ferah
19 Artık Kısa Cümleler KuruyorumŞebnem Ferah

30sec audio samples provided by

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