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Album Cover
Žiga Stanič
One Thousand And One Notes / 1001 Nota

Album SI 2014 on Žiga Stanič label
Classical and Children's Music (Romantic, Post-Modern)

A musical fairy tale for children, a musical analogy with One Thousand And One Nights. Composed in 62 continuously played suite movements; composed and played on piano by Žiga Stanič. Available on iTunes.

PortraitŽiga Stanič p, *1973
composed by, grand piano, producer, recorded by, album by
Klemen Veber mastered by
Žiga Stanič
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Behind nine mountains and nine rivers, there lived a...Žiga Stanič
2A boy in a time machineŽiga Stanič
3A shepherd and a kingŽiga Stanič
4Fashion tailor and his wifeŽiga Stanič
5A story about the love melodyŽiga Stanič
6About a man, who counted music measuresŽiga Stanič
7Gregorian singersŽiga Stanič
8The magic wellŽiga Stanič
9A man, who did not laugh until the end of his daysŽiga Stanič
10Cannon balls from an old CanonŽiga Stanič
11A story of a song, that fell in love with its beginningŽiga Stanič
12Magical starlingŽiga Stanič
13A good king and a devilŽiga Stanič
14A city of steelŽiga Stanič
15A secret of the high mountainŽiga Stanič
16Ebony horseŽiga Stanič
17General Thorough bass and his three captured voicesŽiga Stanič
18A blind pianistŽiga Stanič
19A musical box, counting pearlsŽiga Stanič
20A deaf criticŽiga Stanič
21A story of father Chord and his familyŽiga Stanič
22Of how the notes became stars and flashed up the skyŽiga Stanič
23Count Marcato and his chambermaid StaccatoŽiga Stanič
24The tonic and her seven slavesŽiga Stanič
25How the trill found its peaceŽiga Stanič
26A droplet of honeyŽiga Stanič
27A story of a diligent pupilŽiga Stanič
28A caravan of patienceŽiga Stanič
29A story of a tailcoatŽiga Stanič
30King's son and a giantŽiga Stanič
31The lazy pianistŽiga Stanič
32Musician's travel no. 7Žiga Stanič
33A fair old lady in a new dressŽiga Stanič
34Riders on the cadencesŽiga Stanič
35A story of the composer, who lost his reputationŽiga Stanič
36Lovers in the closed scoreŽiga Stanič
37Unreasonable imitatorŽiga Stanič
38Grievous tripletŽiga Stanič
39A story of the piano tunerŽiga Stanič
40A crazy artistŽiga Stanič
41A story of king Major and of his brotherŽiga Stanič
42Lady Sarabanda's new decorations and jewelryŽiga Stanič
43Musician's travel no. 8Žiga Stanič
44Of the bass clef, who opened all doorsŽiga Stanič
45The King and virtuoso QueenŽiga Stanič
46A story of three fermatasŽiga Stanič
47A wanderer brings drops of water from a far away landŽiga Stanič
48A story of a note-eaterŽiga Stanič
49Ladies' man and a parrotŽiga Stanič
50Of a man, who have stolen a piano chairŽiga Stanič
51Of a hammersmith, who crafted the harpŽiga Stanič
52Captive of the music staffŽiga Stanič
53A lonely night in a concert hallŽiga Stanič
54Musician's travel no. 9Žiga Stanič
55A bird and a beastŽiga Stanič
56A story of the second violinistŽiga Stanič
57Old father Tone and his three pitch-sonsŽiga Stanič
58Merchants with sheet musicŽiga Stanič
59A kingdom of the long snakeŽiga Stanič
60In the labyrinth of mirrorsŽiga Stanič
61Spit valveŽiga Stanič
62For one coin moreŽiga Stanič
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