voc, *1942
Singer / Musician / Composer of Folk
A.k.a. Ψαραντώνης
Also listed as: Antonis Xylouris I Psarantonis Cretan artist [Singer, Cretan Lyre, Composer, Lyricist, Actor] Born at Anogeia, Mylopotamos, Crete, Greece in 1942 Brother to Νίκος Ξυλούρης and Γιάννης Ξυλούρης. Father to Γιώργος Ξυλούρης, Χαράλαμπος Ξυλούρης and Νίκη Ξυλούρη and husband to Κατερίνα Δουλγεράκη. Grandson to Kαραμουζαντώνης. He started playing Cretan Lyre self-taught he started to learn at the age of 9, along with his brother Νίκος Ξυλούρης and played his first event (a wedding reception at the age of 13). His first recording was in 1964 He has given live performances all over the world gainings critics and awards. Known for the special timbre of his unique voice and playing style he has made many collaborations expanding Cretan Music outside the boarders of Crete and Greece with artists such as: Δημήτρης Σταυρακάκης, Γιώργης Καράτζης, Ιωάννης Μαρκογιαννάκης, Χαΐνηδες, Γιάννης Αγγελάκας, Alex Kavvadias, Nick Cave, Ash, Vinicio Capossela, he has been characterized as the most "Rock traditional artist" In 2013 he participated in a documentary about his family & Cretan Music. titled Μια Οικογενειακή Υπόθεση - A Family Affair (Music From The Documentary)
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Γιατί Θα Παίρνω Δανεικά / Καρδιά Που Ξέρει Ν' Αγαπά | Αντώνης Ξυλούρης | 1971 | Single |
Γιατί Θα Παίρνω Δανεικά / Καρδιά Που Ξέρει Ν' Αγαπά | Αντώνης Ξυλούρης | 1971 | Single |
Ανωγειανές Κοντυλιές | Αντώνης Ξυλούρης | 1968 | Single |
Νέος Κορφιανός Συρτός / Ζαριανός Συρτός | Αντώνης Ξυλούρης - Γιάννης Ξυλούρης - Γρηγόρης Χατζάκης | Single |