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Album Cover
Μαίρη Δαλάκου
Ο Ιρλανδός Και Ο Ιουδαίος / Ερείνη

Single GR 1968 on Fidelity label
World (Éntekhno)

This is a promotional release, indicated by the "FIN" catalog number designation and the "Not For Sale" designation on the labels. These were distributed mostly to radio stations. Promotional disc given away by gas company FINA in exchange of buying certain quantities of gas. There were more than 50 such discs released in the late 60's, in a variety of music styles. Made in Greece. Μια προσφορά της ΦΙΝΑ.

PortraitΜαίρη Δαλάκου ,
vocals, album by
PortraitΝίκος Γκάτσος , 1911-1992 GR
lyrics by
PortraitΜίμης Τραϊφόρος ,
lyrics by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ο Ιρλανδός Και Ο ΙουδαίοςΜαίρη ΔαλάκουΝίκος Γκάτσος
2ΕρείνηΜαίρη ΔαλάκουΜίμης Τραϊφόρος
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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