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Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος

Compil. GR 1997 on Δίφωνο label
(Interview, Acoustic, Classic Rock)

1, 5: Live recordings from "Μετρό" (February 1989). Originally recorded for "Zorba The Freak" album (1985). 2: Live recording from "Μετρό" (February 1989). Originally recorded for "Φλου" album (1978). 3: First release of this track in "Χωρίς Μακιγιάζ" (1989), a live album entirely recorded in "Μετρό" (19 February 1989). This recording is earlier ("Ροντέο" club, March 1986). 4: Live recording from "Μετρό" (February 1989). Originally recorded for "Εν Λευκώ" album (1982). 6, 15: Recorded in "Rock On" studio, Pangrati, Athens, December 1978. 7: Live recording in "Ροντέο" club, March 1986. Originally recorded for "Εν Λευκώ" album (1982). 8: First release of this track in "Χωρίς Μακιγιάζ" (1989), a live album entirely recorded in "Μετρό" (19 February 1989). This recording is earlier ("Ροντέο" club, March 1986). 9: Recorded in 1986 as part of a greater project, yet was released for the first time in 1994. The musicians credited on track 10 were the line-up for all recordings of this session (Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης who played guitar on this track, played bouzouki, baglama and tzouras on the rest of the songs). 10: Taken from the same recording session as track 9. Also released for the first time in 1994. In the meantime, a live recording of this song (from Tripoli Prison, March 1987) performed by its composer Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης appeared in "Ήχοι Του Χειμώνα" compilation (1988, issued by the General Secretariat for Youth), which compiled songs from various performances during a 5-year time span. 11: Οne of 13 tracks that Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος wrote in an attempt to fuse the Rebetiko and Blues styles. These tracks were never "officially" recorded nor did they ever reach a final "form". This demo recording is from 1980-'81 (probably to promote a future cooperation with "Οπισθοδρομική Κομπανία" band, as per the liner notes of "Τα Μπλουζ Του Πρίγκιπα", a compilation of such demo recordings released in 1992). 12: The first ever recording of this song (by "Δάμων & Φιντίας", a duo consisting of Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος and Παντελής Δεληγιαννίδης), live from "Κύτταρο" club, 1972. It was included in "Zωντανοί Στο Κύτταρο" compilation album. It was later re-recorded by Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος alone, for his "Zorba The Freak" album (1985). 13, 14: Home recordings in the artist's house (summer 1984). Both tracks were later included in "Εν Αρχή Ην Ο Λόγος" (1994). 16: Excerpt from a TV interview. On 10 the credit on the inlay is for Piano, but listening to the track reveals it is an Electric Piano. Given free with an issue of Δίφωνο magazine.

PortraitΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος voc, perc, 1948-1990 GR
album by, written by, vocals, percussion, guitar, written by
PortraitΓιώργος Τσάμπρας ,
compiled by, Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης
PortraitΚυριάκος Δαρίβας dr, GR
PortraitΑλέκος Αράπης b, eb, GR
electric bass, written by
PortraitΒασίλης Πετρίδης eg, acg, g, GR
electric guitar, written by
PortraitΟδυσσέας Γαλανάκης eg, g, GR
electric guitar
PortraitΛουκάς Γκέκας key, ep, p, GR
keyboards, electric piano
PortraitΠάνος Τόλιος dr, perc, *1961 GR
PortraitΤάσος Καλανιώτης eg,
electric guitar
PortraitΤάσος Φωτιάδης ,
PortraitΤόλης Μαστρόκαλος b, GR
electric bass
PortraitΒασίλης Σπυρόπουλος eg, acg,
electric guitar
PortraitΝίκος Σπυρόπουλος ,
electric guitar
PortraitΣτέλιος Βαμβακάρης voc,
guitar, written by, baglama, tzouras, bouzouki
PortraitΓιώργος Ανδρέου key, p, GR
keyboards, electric piano, bass
PortraitNikos Ginnis fl, perc,
PortraitΔάμων & Φιντίας , 1970-1972 GR
performer on track
PortraitΠαντελής Δεληγιαννίδης eg, 1951-2000 GR
guitar, written by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Άντε Και Καλή Τύχη ΜάγκεςΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΑλέκος Αράπης, Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος3:15
2Η Ώρα Του StuffΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος7:55
3Της Εθνικής ΣυμφιλίωσηςΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος2:27
4Χωρίς ΑιτίαΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΒασίλης Πετρίδης, Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος3:25
5Rock 'n' Roll Στο ΚρεβάτιΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος4:27
6Brown SugarΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςJagger-Richards3:28
7Το Βιβλίο Των ΗρώωνΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος5:18
8Welcome To The ShowΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος5:30
9Η Φαντασία Στην ΕξουσίαΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠάνος Ηλιόπουλος, Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης2:35
10Ο ΑμετανόητοςΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠάνος Ηλιόπουλος, Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης4:24
11Η Παράγκα Του ΘωμάΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος3:42
12ΑπογοήτευσηΔάμων & ΦιντίαςΠαντελής Δεληγιαννίδης2:40
13ΥποκριθείτεΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος3:25
14Το Τραγούδι Του ΠαύλουΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςΠαύλος Σιδηρόπουλος1:17
15Street Fighting ManΠαύλος ΣιδηρόπουλοςJagger-Richards3:55
16Συνέντευξη Στην ΕΤ-2Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος2:44
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