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Album Cover
Богдана Карадочева
Кой / Ако Вярвах В Любовта

Single BG 1973 on Балкантон label
Pop (Vocal)

Song on side A - version of "Viens, Viens", written by H.R. Barnes, R. Bernet, Sven Linus, sung by Marie Laforet. Yellow labels, black print.

PortraitБогдана Карадочева voc,
album by
PortraitUnknown Artist ,
accompanied by, Съпр. Вок. Гр., accompanied by, Съпр. ЕО
PortraitЕстраден Оркестър На Комитета За Телевизия И Радио ,
accompanied by, Съпр.
PortraitТоми Димчев ,
arranged by
PortraitВили Казасян p, *1934
conductor, Дир.
PortraitЗахари Петров ,
lyrics by, б. т.
PortraitМитко Щерев p, eb, *1946
arranged by
PortraitМорис Аладжем sax, vn, *1932
conductor, Дир., music by
PortraitАсен Ошанов ,
lyrics by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1КойБогдана КарадочеваЗахари Петров
2Ако Вярвах В ЛюбовтаБогдана КарадочеваАсен Ошанов
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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