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Веселин Николов

Musician of Jazz and R&B/Soul

Bulgarian jazz winds (saxophone, flute) and percussion player, working in jazz fusion during the 1970-80s.

Radko Nachkov
dr, perc
Огнян Видев
g, acg
Peter Dzurkov
p, syn
Pesho Konov
b, ep
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Русокастренска мелодия on Русокастренска мелодия by Веселин Николов

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
Jazz And Something More...Веселин Николов1987Album
Веселин Николов И Неговите Бели, Зелени И ЧервениВеселин Николов And White, Green And Red1973Album
Дон Жуан / Don JuanВеселин Николов And White, Green And RedAlbum
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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