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Евгений Весник

1923-2009 RU, Soviet Union
Spoken Word and Children's Music

Yevgeny Yakovlevich Vesnik (Russian: Евге́ний Я́ковлевич Ве́сник; January 15, 1923, Petrograd – April 10, 2009, Moscow) was a Russian and Soviet stage and a film actor. The son of Yakov Vesnik, the first director of the Kryvorizhstal plant, he fought the Germans in the Second World War. He worked at the Maly Theatre from 1963 and was named a People's Artist of the USSR in 1989, three years before his retirement from the stage.He died, aged 86, on April 10, 2009 in Moscow after suffering a stroke.

  • Spoken Word
  • Children's Music
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Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
Французская классическая эпиграммаВалентин Гафт, Евгений Весник, А. Леонтьев, И. Костолевский1988Album
Хлопушки с сюрпризами. Новогодняя музыкальная сказкаЗиновий Гердт, Маргарита Корабельникова, Евгений Весник, Е.Поносова, Виктор Хохряков, Юрий Пузырёв, Борис Толмазов, Агарь Власова, Ирина Паппе, Инструментальный Ансамбль Б. ТихоноваAlbum
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