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Album Cover
Хавайся Ў Бульбу

Album BY 2001 on БМАgroup label
Rock and Blues (Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Blues Rock)

Packaged in jewel case with 4-page booklet. Track durations are obtained from EAC software.

PortraitКрама ,
album by
Уладзімір Гаўрыленка
Юрый Фядзюк
PortraitАндрэй Філатаў dr,
PortraitСяржук Трухановіч g, bvoc,
guitar, vocals, arranged by
PortraitАндрэй Лявончык key, bvoc,
keyboards, vocals, arranged by
PortraitЛеанід Вярэніч g,
lead guitar
PortraitІгар Варашкевіч voc, h, acg,
lyrics by, music by, vocals, harmonica, acoustic guitar, arranged by
Зьміцер Лукашук
lyrics by
Наста Гулак
lyrics by
Р. Баек
lyrics by
Віктар Маўчанаў
steel guitar
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Сябра Мой Вярэніч ЛёнікКрама4:24
2Хавайся Ў БульбуКрама3:26
3Дай Мне ШанецКрама4:38
4Падае ДожджКрама4:47
5Свабоды Мне ДайКрама4:37
6Той ЧасКрама4:53
7Ведай Гэта Наш БлюзКрама4:41
8Стары СабакаКрама5:16
9Гэй, Там, НалівайКрама3:28
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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