voc, JP
Singer of Pop
A.k.a. 小林庸子 (Kobayashi Tsuneko)
Michiko Namiki. Japanese female singer and actress, best known for the song 「リンゴの唄」(Ringo No Uta). Born on September 30, 1921 in Asakusa, Tokyo. Grew up in Taiwan. Died in Tokyo on 7 April 2001.
Track list and 30sec audio provided by
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
オリジナル盤による懐かしの針音 | 並木路子 | 1986 | Compil. |
リンゴの唄 / そよかぜ | 霧島昇 ・ 並木路子 | 1945 | Album |
Apple Song / Light Breeze | 並木路子, 霧島昇 | Album |