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Album Cover
黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine

Album JP 2009 on T. Y. Entertainment label
Pop (J-pop)

First disc has Vocaloids, second disc has human vocals. Includes 18-page booklet with lyrics in Japanese.

Portrait黒うさP ,
lyrics by, music by, arranged by, producer, album by
PortraitLuka Megurine voc, JP
album by, vocals
PortraitYuichiro Hoshi g,
Portraitキル g,
Ryoko Edamura
PortraitShun Asai vn,
PortraitMiku Hatsune voc,
vocals, vocals, uncredited
PortraitYura Hatsuki ,
lyrics by, vocals
PortraitKaito voc, JP
vocals, vocals, uncredited
Portraitヤマイ ,
lyrics by, vocals
PortraitLen Kagamine voc, bvoc,
vocals, uncredited
PortraitMeiko voc,
vocals, uncredited
PortraitRin Kagamine voc,
vocals, uncredited
PortraitHaruka Shimotsuki voc, JP
Portraitめらみぽっぷ voc,
PortraitGom b, JP
PortraitUsa ,
Portraitセリユ voc, JP
PortraitNAYUTA ,
Satoru Kawasaki a&r, producer
Shinobu Nagao art direction
Tsuyoshi Sato art direction
Hajime Murakami design
Shintaro Matsui executive-producer
Moka Ichiyou illustration
Tom Yoda management, general producer
Masami Kanda mastered by
Hiroshi Fujioka recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Disc 1: Vocaloid Side Disc黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
2紅一葉黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
3最後の女王黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
4螺旋迷宮 ~Spiral Labyrinth~黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
5東京バベル黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka MegurineYura Hatsuki
6カンタレラ黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
7Love*3黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
8白雪 ~shirayuki~黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
9虹色蝶々黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
10Cyclone黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
11水槽黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurineヤマイ
12はなむけ黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
13君のいる景色黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
14ずっと、ずっと...黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
15Disc 2: Vocal Side Disc黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
16紅一葉黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
17最後の女王黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
18螺旋迷宮 ~Spiral Labyrinth~黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
19東京バベル黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka MegurineYura Hatsuki
20カンタレラ黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
21Love*3黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
22白雪 ~shirayuki~黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
23虹色蝶々黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
24Cyclone黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
25はなむけ黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurineヤマイ
26君のいる景色黒うさP Presents Feat. Luka Megurine
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