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Album Cover

Single JP 2010 on Universal Music label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Pop (RnB/Swing, J-pop, Europop)

Jeon Hoon (a.k.a. Bigboom)

Portrait카라 , JP
album by
Portrait이태윤 b,
PortraitKim Bo A ,
Portrait홍준호 ,
Natsumi Watanabe
lyrics by
lyrics by
Portrait송수윤 ,
lyrics by
Portrait김승수 ,
lyrics by, music by, arranged by, producer, music
Portrait한재호 ,
lyrics by, music by, arranged by, producer, music
Portrait홍승현 ,
music by, arranged by, recorded by, mixed by
Jung Saem-Mool
other, hair & make-up
Choi Hee-Sun
other, stylist
Han Seoung-Hee
other, stylist
Seo Ji-Eun
other, stylist
Song Soo-Hyun
other, stylist
rap, rap making
Portrait안준성 ,
arranged by
PortraitPark Jae Kyung ,
rap, rap making
Tycoon Graphics art direction, design
Lee Ho-Yeon executive-producer
Naoshi Fujikura executive-producer
Big Boom mastered by
전훈 mastered by
Park Sang-Moo photography by, photographer
Lee Jung-Sook producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
3ミスター (Instrumental)카라3:12
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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