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Album Cover
100% Pure Poison
Coming Right At You

Album UK 1974 on EMI International label

Portrait100% Pure Poison , 1972-1974 US
album by
PortraitLawrence Reynolds voc, 1944-2000 US
bass guitar, composed by
PortraitDanny Leake g, US
composed by, guitar, producer, written by
PortraitMarvin Daniels tr, voc, fh,
composed by, trumpet, vocals, written by
PortraitJames Williams g, key, GB
guitar, keyboards
Steve Maxwell
PortraitJohn Jackson dr,
PortraitPie Harrison voc, perc,
percussion, vocals, written by
PortraitJackie Beard voc, sax,
saxophone, vocals
PortraitSlide Beard voc, tb,
trombone, vocals
Peter Shepherd artwork
Bill Richmond photography by
Rick Hartung producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1You Keep Coming Back100% Pure PoisonOnnie McIntyre
2No More City, No More Country100% Pure PoisonMarvin Daniels
3Boarding Pass100% Pure PoisonDanny Leake
4Holes In My Shoes100% Pure PoisonDanny Leake, Pie Harrison
5My Little Someone100% Pure PoisonMarvin Daniels
6Windy C.100% Pure PoisonDanny Leake
7(But You Say) You Want To Make It With Me100% Pure PoisonDanny Leake
8Don't Let Your Pride, Overpower Your Love100% Pure PoisonDanny Leake, Parrish
9(And When I Said) I Love You100% Pure PoisonRick Hartung
10Puppet On A Chain100% Pure PoisonBilly Durham, Danny Leake, Mark Davis
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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