1890-1969 FI
A.k.a. Armas Otto Aapo Väisänen
Armas Otto Aapo Väisänen (9 April 1890 Savonranta – 18 July 1969 Helsinki) was an eminent Finnish scholar of folk music, an ethnographer and ethnomusicologist. In the early twentieth century he documented by recording and photographing traditional Finnish and other Finno-Ugric peoples music and musicians. With a scholarship from the Finno-Ugrian Society Väisänen traveled to Russia in 1914 to collect Finno Ugrian folk melodies. He made field trips to Mordovia, Ingria, Veps, Russian Karelia.His activities also marked the a new stage in the history of collecting Setu folk songs in Southern Estonia. After the first trip in 1912 he made 6 fieldtrips to Estonia between 1912–1923.