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Album Cover
Manifest 1994-2004 - Ten Years Of Abuse - Discography CD

Compil. US on Haunted Hotel Records label
Rock (Hardcore, Grindcore)

8-Page CD booklet w/ liner notes and pictures from the covers of the vinyl releases. Stated title is from the cover edges. As seen on the cover picture the title on the front is a bit different.

PortraitAbuse , SE
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Media MarcherarAbuse
4Pengar Ger FrihetAbuse
5Skrik NuAbuse
7Bomba För Frihet Eller Döda För GudAbuse
8Total CarnageAbuse
9A Burning WorldAbuse
10Brittle RaftAbuse
11With MeAbuse
12Bring Out The Witch (In You)Abuse
13Still In MiseryAbuse
14Back In The NinetiesAbuse
16I'm Your WayAbuse
17Makthavarnas Nya InnedrogAbuse
18Belgian BluesAbuse
19Fruktans BorgAbuse
20Ond DräktAbuse
23Gammla Stövlar Gar IgenAbuse
24Mördad För Sin ÅskitAbuse
26Bakom SpegelnAbuse
27Hans NedgångAbuse
28Sjuka BehovAbuse
29Var VerklighetAbuse
30Folkför TryckAbuse
31Framtid I LågorAbuse
32Egen KontrollAbuse
33Slagen Av LögnerAbuse
34Är Yttrande Ett Brott?Abuse
35Flyt Med StrömmenAbuse
37No EscapeAbuse
38Corporation Jesus ChristAbuse
39Police BulliesAbuse
40Napalm BombraidAbuse
41System BreakdownAbuse
42Trapped In A SystemAbuse
43Another VictimAbuse
44Facts Of WarAbuse
45Sick ViolenceAbuse
46Live To See (But Not To Tell)Abuse
47War Death And DespairAbuse
49Så Fan HellerAbuse
50Towards The End / Framtid I LågorAbuse
51Remix Of Makthavarnas Nya InnedrogAbuse
52Radioactive DustAbuse
53Pengar Och MaktAbuse
54Maktens MänAbuse
55Vägen Mot FrihetAbuse
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