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Album Cover
Folfiri O Folfox

Album IT 2016 on Universal Music Group label
Alternative (Alternative Rock, Experimental, Noise)

Registrazioni addizionali presso Germistudio/Abbiategrasso (Manuel Agnelli/Rodrigo D'Erasmo) e Home Studios (Stefano Pilia/Fabio Rondandini)

PortraitAfterhours , IT
arranged by, album by
PortraitManuel Agnelli ,
arranged by, performer, photography by, front cover, producer, recorded by, additional, lyrics by, music by
PortraitRodrigo D'Erasmo vn, g, *1976 BR
arranged by, co-producer, performer, recorded by, additional, music by
PortraitFabio Rondanini dr, perc,
performer, recorded by, additional, music by
PortraitRoberto Dell'Era b, voc, IT
PortraitStefano Pilia g, perc, *1978 IT
performer, recorded by, additional, music by
PortraitXabier Iriondo g, *1971 IT
performer, music by
Thomas Berloffa artwork, graphics, photography by, back cover
Emma Agnelli edited by
Francesca Risi edited by
Paolo Mauri edited by, recorded by
Giovanni Versari mastered by
Tommaso Colliva mixed by, producer, recorded by
Daniele Tortora recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1GrandeAfterhoursManuel Agnelli4:27
2Il Mio Popolo Si FaAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:50
3L'Odore Della Giacca Di Mio PadreAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:15
4Non Voglio Ritrovare Il Tuo NomeAfterhoursManuel Agnelli4:18
5Ti Cambia Il SaporeAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:15
6San MiguelAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:30
7Qualche Tipo Di GrandezzaAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:22
9Lasciati Ingannare (Una Volta Ancora)AfterhoursManuel Agnelli4:29
10OggiAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:25
11Folfiri o FolfoxAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:46
12Fa Male Solo La Prima VoltaAfterhoursManuel Agnelli4:03
13Noi Non Faremo NienteAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:04
14Nè Pani Nè PesciAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:52
16Fra I Non Viventi Vivremo NoiAfterhoursManuel Agnelli2:12
17Il Trucco Non C'èAfterhoursManuel Agnelli3:26
18Se io Fossi Il GiudiceAfterhoursManuel Agnelli4:06
External Links
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