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Album Cover
Musette A Tout Va

Album FR on Disques Vogue label
Folk (Tango, Folk, March)

Different labels color, but with same label on Side A and B, the songs was correct tracklisting. Imprimé en France

PortraitAimable acc, 1922-1997 FR
album by
André Nisak photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Mon Amant De Saint JeanAimable
2Du GrisAimable
3Le DénicheurAimable
4J'Aime Tes Grands YeuxAimable
5Le Tango Des FauvettesAimable
6Bille De BillardAimable
7La Valse Des FloconsAimable
8Musette A Tout VaAimable
9Ah ! Le Petit Vin BlancAimable
10La Java BleueAimable
11Un Violon Dans La NuitAimable
12Le Chaland Qui PasseAimable
14Impasse Des VertusAimable
15Retour De LiègeAimable
16Marche Des GalibotsAimable
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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