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Album Cover
Alexander Glazunov

Compil. 1998 on ZYX Music label
Classical (Romantic)

20-bit remastered. Marketed and distributed by ZYX Music. All recordings manufactured under license from BMG Classics, a unit of BMG Entertainment. Tracks 1-1 to 1-6 : P 1990 Melodiya Tracks 1-7 to 2-9 : P 1982 Melodiya P 1998 ZYX Music C 1998 ZYX Music / Pilz & Junge

Edvard Shakhnazarian engineer, uncredited
Georgij Moroz painting, paintings
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Glazunov - Symphony No 2 In F Sharp Minor Op. 16Alexander Glazunov
2Devoted To The Memory Of F. LisztAlexander Glazunov
3Andante Maestoso AllegroAlexander Glazunov14:29
4AndanteAlexander Glazunov13:16
5Allegro VivaceAlexander Glazunov7:20
6Intrada Andantino SostenutoAlexander Glazunov12:36
7Finale AllegroAlexander Glazunov1:56
8-Alexander Glazunov
9Song Of Fate, Dramatic Overture Op. 84Alexander Glazunov14:32
10Romantic Intermezzo In D Major Op. 69Alexander Glazunov9:50
11Raymonda - Entrance To Scene 2, 1. ActAlexander Glazunov4:45
12Scenes De Ballet, Op. 52 "Waltz"Alexander Glazunov5:44
13Meditation Op. 32Alexander Glazunov3:52
14Symphony No 9 In D Minor (Unfinished / Unvollendet)Alexander Glazunov10:22
15Scenes De Ballet Op. 52 Pas D'ActionAlexander Glazunov4:28
16Stepan Razin / Stenka Rasin Op. 13Alexander Glazunov16:09
17March On A Russian Theme Op. 79 - Marsch Über Ein Russisches ThemaAlexander Glazunov4:25
18Les Ruses De L'Amour Op. 61 - Der Liebe Listigkeit: IntroductionAlexander Glazunov5:06
19 Slavonic Festiva In G Major Op. 26a - Slawische OrchesterphantasieAlexander Glazunov7:59

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