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Alexandre St-Onge

Musician of Electronic
A.k.a. Françoise Blanchot

Alexandre St-Onge is an audio artist, a musician/improviser (bass, voice and electronics) and a sonic performer. Philosophiae doctor (PhD) in art (UQAM, 2015), he is fascinated by creativity as a pragmatic approach to the ungraspable and he has publised over ten solo works including Nude de chose de même (Le laps), VUEIEN (Errant Bodies Press), Semblances (Avatar), viorupeeeeihean (Oral) and Kasi Naigo (squintfuckerpress) amongst others. He founded squintfuckerpress with Christof Migone and he plays in quite a few bands which released several albums : Et Sans, K.A.N.T.N.A.G.A.N.O., Klaxon Gueule, Pink Saliva, mineminemine, Shalabi Effect, Les esprits frappeurs and undo. As a composer he has worked for interdisciplinary company kondition pluriel, as well as composing for artists such as Marie Brassard, Karine Denault, Lynda Gaudreau, Line Nault, Jérémie Niel, Maryse Poulin and Mariko Tanabe.

  • Bass guitar
  • Vocals
  • Bass
  • Double bass
  • Keyboards
  • Electronic
  • Rock
  • Jazz
  • World
  • Spoken Word
Popular Tracks   
Vito Acconci’s Undoing on My Body Doing Its Best Without Me, And Then You See The Mouth Open As If It Wanted To Say Something by Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge
L’étranglement on My Body Doing Its Best Without Me, And Then You See The Mouth Open As If It Wanted To Say Something by Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge
We Two Alone Without Night on undoundone by Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge
Part 1 on Joseph Carey Merrick by Alexandre St-Onge
Incarnation à La CroiséE - Studio on EntitéS by Alexandre St-Onge
Dialogue Avec L’invisible - Studio on EntitéS by Alexandre St-Onge
Lost That Avatar on undoundone by Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge
Narrow the Field of Research on Un sperme qui meurt de froid en agitant faiblement sa petite queue dans les draps d’un gamin by Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge
Part 2 on Joseph Carey Merrick by Alexandre St-Onge
Ma Contrebasse Ou L`Invention De La Machine à Écrire on Intransitive Twenty-Three by Various Artists

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Créatures hermétiques dans mon char bb des otages inaperçus aprèsAlexandre St-Onge2018Single
soureoeur arrière sosururoeourAlexandre St-Onge2018Single
NommeBeurre µ La lubrification du verbe Les vies innombrables des Ties WrapsAlexandre St-Onge2018Album
Nude de chose de mêmeAlexandre St-Onge2017Album
Cône en tête C Ça KC l'arme chaude de l'ivresseAlexandre St-Onge2017Album
Rituels Sataniques En Nombres Premiersfourthousandblackbirds + Alexandre St-Onge2017Single
Créatures hermétiques dans mon char bb des otages inaperçus avantAlexandre St-Onge2017Album
SemblancesAlexandre St-Onge2016Single
VUEIENAlexandre St-Onge2016Album
BibittesBernard Falaise, Éric Forget, Alexandre St-Onge2014Album
ViorupeeeeiheanAlexandre St-Onge2013Album
AilleursAlexandre St-Onge2012Album
Jane and The Magic BananasMichel F. Côté, Sam Shalabi, Alexandre St-Onge2012Album
SplitAlexandre St-Onge / Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay2011Album
Entités / Entités (En Concert)Alexandre St-Onge2010Album
UntitledDominic Vanchesteing, Eric Fillion, Alexandre St-Onge2010Album
Parcelles De L'Imperméable Touché Du Nerf Bonjour Mouchoir Bonsoir Carton...Alexandre St-Onge2009Album
Ostinato 20Joda Clément / Alexandre St-Onge / Freida Abtan / Erin Sexton2008Album
Joseph Carey MerrickAlexandre St-Onge2007Album
Mon Animal Est PossibleAlexandre St-Onge2007Album
L'Amitié Ou Les Rumeurs Insoutenables Du DésirAlexandre St-Onge Alias Françoise Blanchot2006Album
Live (July 2002)Napalm Jazz / Alexandre St-Onge / Martin Tétreault2004Album
Océan Pour La SuiteSylvie Chenard / Maryse Poulin / Martin Tétreault / Alexandre St-Onge2002Album
Kasi NaigoAlexandre St-Onge2001Album
VOLT-AA (01) Le SilenceI8U / Alexandre St-Onge / Ælab2001Album
Kristian, Shalabi, St-OngeDavid Kristian, Sam Shalabi, Alexandre St-Onge2001Album
Une Mâchoire Et Deux TrousAlexandre St-Onge1999Album
Image / NégationAlexandre St-Onge1999Album
Amazezine Magazine #5 Split SingleLoren MazzaCane Connors / Alexandre St-Onge & Sam Shalabi1999Single
Projet De La Baleine 1998 Musée Des Survivantes MontréalSylvie Chenard - Nicolas Letarte - Alexandre St-Onge - Martin TétreaultAlbum
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