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Album Cover
Alexandru Andrieș
Albumul Alb

Compil. RO 1996 on Zone Records label
Jazz, Rock and Blues (Folk Rock, Jazz-Rock, Blues Rock)

Tracks 1 and 9 are from Decembrie / Vis Cu Îngeri Tracks 2, 3, 5, 6 and 11 are from La Mulți Ani 1996 Tracks 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 are previously unreleased.

PortraitAlexandru Andrieș voc, g, *1954 RO
graphics, music by, lyrics by, producer, album by
PortraitEugen Tegu eb, b,
PortraitIulian Vrabete b, voc, eb, RO
PortraitAlin Constanțiu sax, cl, *1939 RO
clarinet, saxophone
PortraitEdi Petroșel dr, RO
PortraitTudy Zaharescu dr, *1960 RO
PortraitValeriu Sterian voc, g, 1952-2000 RO
drums, percussion, engineer
PortraitGeorge Baicea g, voc, RO
PortraitMaria Ioana Mîntulescu voc, perc, RO
producer, vocals
Theodor Negrescu engineer
Kai Schlünz mastered by, mixed by
Victoria London producer
Gheorghe Torz remastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1DecembrieAlexandru Andrieș3:20
2Vine Iarna...Alexandru Andrieș4:30
3Surpriză, Surpriză!!!Alexandru Andrieș3:05
4Glob De-argintAlexandru Andrieș3:25
5Ninge Iar...Alexandru Andrieș2:41
6Anotimp FrigurosAlexandru Andrieș3:51
7De Departe VinAlexandru Andrieș2:41
8E Anul NouAlexandru Andrieș1:54
9Vis Cu ÎngeriAlexandru Andrieș3:37
10Puf De PăpădieAlexandru Andrieș3:20
11A Venit Moș Crăciun!!!Alexandru Andrieș2:26
12Doamne, Fă Pământul AlbAlexandru Andrieș2:06
13La Mulți Ani!Alexandru Andrieș1:43
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