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Album Cover
Alexandru Andrieș
Du-mă Înapoi

Album RO 2010 on Black Crow Music Productions label
Rock, Folk, World and (Classic Rock)

This album was recorded and printed in 2009 and was supposed to launch in the Spring of 2010, but Sony ATV Music, owner of the entire Beatles catalogue, authorizes only covers with the original English lyrics, or orchestral versions. Most were destroyed, only a few copies are known to exist.

PortraitAlexandru Andrieș voc, g, *1954 RO
voice, acoustic guitar, piano, electric piano, harmonica, graphics, lyrics by, album by
PortraitCristian Soleanu ts, ss, *1967 RO
alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
PortraitEugen Tegu eb, b,
Alexandru Gorneanu
PortraitGeorge Baicea g, voc, RO
electric guitar
PortraitVictor Panfilov g, RO
percussion, recorded by, mixed by, mastered by
PortraitEugen Caminschi eg, acg, g, RO
slide guitar
Dan Byron backing vocals
Sergiu Mitrofan backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Vrei Să Conduci Mașina Mea?Alexandru Andrieș
2Submarinul GalbenAlexandru Andrieș
3Blues De IeriAlexandru Andrieș
4EaAlexandru Andrieș
5Imediat, AcumAlexandru Andrieș
6Încă PuţinAlexandru Andrieș
7Lemn NorvegianAlexandru Andrieș
8NicăieriAlexandru Andrieș
9DestulAlexandru Andrieș
10JuliaAlexandru Andrieș
11Ce Noapte GreaAlexandru Andrieș
12Eşti ReaAlexandru Andrieș
13Mi-E Aşa De SomnAlexandru Andrieș
14Mă Iau După SoareAlexandru Andrieș
15NimeniAlexandru Andrieș
16Lasă-mă În PatAlexandru Andrieș
17Cînd M-am Uitat la EaAlexandru Andrieș
18PorciiAlexandru Andrieș
19VrăjitAlexandru Andrieș
20Somn de AurAlexandru Andrieș
21Şi Mama CîntaAlexandru Andrieș
22Fă Și Tu AşaAlexandru Andrieș
23Five O'clockAlexandru Andrieș
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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