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Album Cover
Alexandru Andrieș

Album RO 1990 on Electrecord label
Rock (Acoustic, Classic Rock)

The original tapes were given with kindness by Alexandru Andrieș. Remastered January 1990 at Tomis Studio, Bucharest. Track durations are not listed on cover. Track A5 is spelled as "Noua Mesteri Mari, Cu Vasile Zece" on disc.

PortraitAlexandru Andrieș voc, g, *1954 RO
voice, guitar, music by, lyrics by, design, liner notes, album by
PortraitNI ,
transferred by
PortraitIulian Vrabete b, voc, eb, RO
bass guitar, bass guitar, triangle
PortraitRelu Bițulescu dr, RO
PortraitEduard Bălașa g,
PortraitDan Brucker ,
PortraitAlexandru Ianeș ,
PortraitMircea Marcovici eb, voc,
bass guitar
PortraitMihai Farcaș dr, p,
drums, piano, harmonica
PortraitȘtefan Mîntulescu ,
trumpet, tuba
Theodor Negrescu engineer
Romeo Vanica producer
Costel Marian Boiangiu backing vocals
Daniel Prodan backing vocals
Maria Ioana Mîntulescu backing vocals
Post Scriptum backing band
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Mihai, Cîți Copii Îmi Dai?Alexandru Andrieș2:59
2Bluesul Generalului PacepaAlexandru Andrieș3:15
3Blues ParanoicAlexandru Andrieș0:56
4Bluesul MagazinuluiAlexandru Andrieș1:58
59 Meșteri Mari, Cu Vasile 10Alexandru Andrieș1:44
6Dragă ȘeherazadaAlexandru Andrieș3:10
7Blues De SezonAlexandru Andrieș1:43
8Împăratul RoșuAlexandru Andrieș2:58
9Am PneumonieAlexandru Andrieș2:34
10Mă Doare MăseauaAlexandru Andrieș2:22
11Ce Oraș Frumos!Alexandru Andrieș1:50
12Mie Mi-e SomnAlexandru Andrieș2:34
13Am Întrebat Un MilițianAlexandru Andrieș2:54
14Dracula BluesAlexandru Andrieș2:01
15La TelejurnalAlexandru Andrieș1:01
16La RovineAlexandru Andrieș2:43
External Links
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