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Album Cover
Alice Parker
Heavenly Hurt: Poems By Emily Dickinson

Album US 2017 on Gothic Records label
Classical (Contemporary)

Tracks 1-17, 21-26 recorded April 5-7, 2016. Tracks 18-20 recorded May 9-11, 2001. Tracks 27-33 recorded May 11-12, 1982.

PortraitAlice Parker , *1925 US
composed by, conductor, liner notes, album by
PortraitMartin Kuuskmann bsn,
PortraitEugene Friesen vc, *1952 US
PortraitJudith Glyde vc,
cello, manhattan string quartet
PortraitJean Kopperud cl, US
PortraitLaura Flax cl, US
PortraitThe Manhattan String Quartet ,
The Musicians Of Melodious Accord
Melanie Bradford
PortraitPaul Dunkel fl, *1943 RU
PortraitStewart Rose alp, frh,
Paul Vasile
organ, piano
PortraitHarry Huff p, org,
PortraitLucy Shelton p, *1944 US
soprano vocals
Sara Griffiths
soprano vocals
PortraitJohn Dexter vl, US
viola, manhattan string quartet
PortraitEric Lewis vn, US
violin, manhattan string quartet
PortraitRoy Lewis vn,
violin, manhattan string quartet
Cynthia Shaw
Georga Osborne
PortraitJacqueline Pierce voc,
Jan Wilson
Katherine Harris
Kathlene Rich
PortraitMargery Daley voc, US
PortraitMarion Beckenstein voc, US
Nedra Neal
Herman Van Swanevelt cover
Wenceslaus Hollar cover
William Buelow cover
Tim Braun design, graphic
Isaiah Abolin engineer
Roger W. Sherman executive-producer, liner notes
Lawrence Manchester mixed by
Vilhelm Hammershøi cover, photography by, back cover
Victoria Parker product manager
Alice Parker
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Heavenly HurtAlice Parker15:38
2There's A Certain Slant Of LightAlice Parker2:23
3The Bustle In A HouseAlice Parker1:00
4Under The Light, Yet UnderAlice Parker2:02
5Behind Me - Dips EternityAlice Parker3:06
6A Shade Upon The MindAlice Parker2:04
7There Is A Pain - So UtterAlice Parker1:26
8The Love A Life Can Show BelowAlice Parker3:37
9Dickinson: The Definition Of BeautyAlice Parker5:12
10The Definition Of Beauty, IsAlice Parker0:49
11Beauty - Be Not Caused - It IsAlice Parker1:19
12So Gay A FlowerAlice Parker1:29
13Estranged From Beauty - None Can BeAlice Parker1:35
14Dickinson: On RecollectingAlice Parker4:53
15If Recollecting Were ForgettingAlice Parker1:13
16How Happy I WasAlice Parker1:57
17I'd Rather RecollectAlice Parker1:43
18Three Songs From An Exultation Of BirdsAlice Parker6:13
19Of Being Is A BirdAlice Parker1:42
20Sang From The Heart, SireAlice Parker3:16
21Beauty Crowds Me Till I DieAlice Parker1:15
22Three SeasAlice Parker6:36
23There Is A Solitude Of SpaceAlice Parker2:06
24As If The Sea Should PartAlice Parker1:23
25A Soft Sea Washed Around The HouseAlice Parker3:07
26An Easter TriptychAlice Parker5:02
27He Is Alive This MorningAlice Parker1:15
28"Unto Me?" I Do Not Know YouAlice Parker1:57
29While It Is AliveAlice Parker1:50
30Dickinson: On NatureAlice Parker5:59
31Nature Is What We SeeAlice Parker2:06
32I Think That The Root Of The Wind Is WaterAlice Parker1:48
33Answer JulyAlice Parker1:05
34Echoes From The HillsAlice Parker17:42
35It's All I Have To Bring TodayAlice Parker1:54
36Talk Not To Me Of Summer TreesAlice Parker2:38
37Sweet Mountains - Ye Tell Me No LiesAlice Parker3:01
38My Faith Is Larger Than The HillsAlice Parker1:50
39One Joy Of So Much AnguishAlice Parker3:16
40Exultation Is The GoingAlice Parker1:54
41Tie The Strings To My Life, My LordAlice Parker3:09
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