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Album Cover
Alienation Mental
Four Years... ...Time Full Of Brutality

Compil. US 2004 on Burning Dogma Records label
Rock (Grindcore, Death Metal)

- Veneration Of Biological Killing Machine - 1999 - split CD with czech band Malignant Tumour (Veneration Of Biological Killing Machine / Is This The Earth's Last Century?) 2001 - split tape with czech band Genetic Threat (Genunethical / Veneration Of Biological Killing Machine) - The Restricted Cerebral Capacity - 2001 - split EP with french band Inhumate (Missed Ex-pulsion / The Restricted Cerebral Capacity) - Live Trax - 2002 - recorded in 30.04.2002 France, this gig was a part of the eurotour 2002 with Cerebral Turbulency. Each of these songs is originally from CD - Ball Spouter. Track 7 originally performed by Fear Factory. Track 8 originally performed by Carcass. Track 11 is a remixed song from the first demo Kopferkingel.

PortraitAlienation Mental , 1998-2011 CZ
album by
PortraitMíra Maršík b, eb,
PortraitMichal Kříž ,
bass, uncredited
PortraitPavel Sviták g, b,
bass, uncredited, guitar
PortraitJarda Haž dr,
PortraitMichal Rákosník g,
PortraitMilan Havlíček voc,
PortraitBurton C. Bell voc, *1969 US
lyrics by, uncredited
PortraitDino Cazares g, b, *1966 US
music by, uncredited
PortraitRaymond Herrera dr, *1972 US
music by, uncredited
PortraitJeff Walker b, voc, *1969
lyrics by, uncredited
PortraitBill Steer g, voc, *1969 GB
music by, uncredited
PortraitKen Owen dr, voc, *1970 GB
music by, uncredited
PortraitMichael Amott g, *1970 SE
music by, uncredited
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1- Veneration Of Biological Killing Machine -Alienation Mental
2TheAlienation Mental1:19
3Under PressureAlienation Mental2:50
4Industrial Poem Of Next MilleniumAlienation Mental2:21
5Mental Of Alien NationsAlienation Mental4:26
6Abnormal Idea Get Of MyselfAlienation Mental3:21
7AutogrindAlienation Mental3:54
8Big God Raped SoulsAlienation MentalBurton C. Bell2:19
9Corporal Jigsore QuandaryAlienation MentalJeff Walker3:42
10- The Restricted Cerebral Capacity -Alienation Mental
11The Restricted Cerebral CapacityAlienation Mental3:21
12Blind AlleyAlienation Mental2:19
13TV Digger (Remix)Alienation Mental2:15
14- Live Trax -Alienation Mental
15Crossed Out From The List Of The DeadAlienation Mental2:55
16The Scathing Feeling Inside Of MeAlienation Mental3:40
17One Of InfinityAlienation Mental4:09
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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