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Album Cover
Alistair Anderson

Album UK 2008 on White Meadow Records label
Folk (Celtic, Folk)

Packaged in a six-panel Digipak

PortraitAlistair Anderson acc, *1948 GB
album by, concertina, northumbrian pipes
PortraitThe Alistair Anderson Band ,
PortraitRachael McShane vc, vn, voc, GB
cello, musician, the alistair anderson band
PortraitShona Mooney vn, GB
fiddle, musician, the alistair anderson band
PortraitSophy Ball vn,
fiddle, musician, the alistair anderson band
PortraitRachel Newton hrp, voc, GB
harp, clarsach, musician, the alistair anderson band
PortraitJoey Oliver ,
whistle, oboe, musician, the alistair anderson band
PortraitMartin Simpson , *1953 GB
PortraitEmma Reid vn, vl,
PortraitIan Stephenson g, cb, p,
Julien Batten mastered by
Ian Stephenson producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Riff ReelsAlistair Anderson3:24
2Waltz MontmagnyAlistair Anderson2:36
3HopscotchAlistair Anderson3:46
4The Tipstaff, Steels JigAlistair Anderson3:07
5The Yeavering HornpipesAlistair Anderson3:14
6Empty SpacesAlistair Anderson3:23
7The Reverend Joe Hislop Of Alnwick, Glad TidingsAlistair Anderson3:05
8Snowblind, The Franklin River ReelAlistair Anderson3:27
9The Air From Gin The Geud Wife StintAlistair Anderson3:25
10The Cheviot Rant, Dunstanbrough CastleAlistair Anderson2:37
11The Squirrel In The Tree, The Oyster GirlAlistair Anderson2:58
12Winter SunlightAlistair Anderson3:36
13The Farne IslandsAlistair Anderson22:58
14IntroductionAlistair Anderson
15Staple IslandAlistair Anderson
16The ChurnAlistair Anderson
17The KettleAlistair Anderson
18TransitionAlistair Anderson
19Nameless RockAlistair Anderson
20Every Seventh WaveAlistair Anderson
21Nameless RockAlistair Anderson
22TransitionAlistair Anderson
23Inner FarneAlistair Anderson
24The KnifestoneAlistair Anderson
25Tom NoddyAlistair Anderson
26The Tide Race ReelAlistair Anderson
27Staple IslandAlistair Anderson
28Inner FameAlistair Anderson
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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