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Album Cover
Now Is The Time

Album US 2005 on Sony Urban Music label
Electronic, Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul (RnB/Swing, Gospel, Soul)

PortraitAnointed , *1987 US
album by
PortraitDa'dra Crawford voc,
vocals, backing vocals
PortraitSteve Crawford voc,
vocals, backing vocals, producer, arranged by, choral
PortraitDivine Order Horns ,
PortraitDontae Winslow tr, US
PortraitWarryn Campbell key, voc, b, *1975 US
producer, programmed by, performer, all instruments, producer, bass, keyboards, additional, producer, performer, all instruments
PortraitBryant Russell g, b,
PortraitLemar Carter dr, US
PortraitSchuyler Duryee ,
lead guitar
PortraitVirgil Straford key,
organ, piano, piano, rhodes
PortraitRoger Ryan p, key,
producer, keyboards, recorded by, programmed by, strings, arranged by, strings, producer, recorded by, programmed by, keyboards, arranged by, strings, piano, acoustic
PortraitAkil Thompson eg, b, g,
rhythm guitar
PortraitDewayne Swan key, US
co-producer, keyboards
PortraitTeddy Campbell dr, voc, US
PortraitLloyd Barry syn, fh,
arranged by, horns
PortraitMichael Ripoll g, acg,
PortraitJimmy Bowland cl, as, US
PortraitRoy Agee tb, US
PortraitVinnie Ciesielski tr, US
PortraitAndraé Crouch voc, key, 1942-2015 US
lead vocals, guest
PortraitElijah "D.D." Holt org, dr, US
PortraitJohn "Jubu" Smith b, g, voc, US
PortraitMark Hill b, US
PortraitScott Williamson dr, *1970 US
PortraitGeorge Cocchini g, eg, US
PortraitMarc Q. Harris org, p,
organ, b3, piano, organ, b3
PortraitMark Heimermann bvoc, US
producer, keyboards, programmed by, keyboards
PortraitMark Douthit ts, sax, US
PortraitChris McDonald tb, US
trombone, arranged by, horns
PortraitJeff Bailey tr,
PortraitMike Haynes tr, fh,
Eric Weaver engineer, assistant
Peter Mokran mixed by
Bruce Buechner recorded by
Jason Gaines drum programming
Alvin Speights mixed by
Da'dra Crawford producer
Steve Crawford producer
Jeff Pitzer recorded by, mixed by, recorded by
Chris Rainwater recorded by, assistant
Tony High recorded by, assistant
Melinda Doolittle backing vocals
Danny Duncan recorded by
Dave Mattix engineer, assistant
Kevin Pickle engineer, assistant
Anointed producer
Grenael Barré recorded by
Benita Washington backing vocals
Jerard Woods backing vocals
Jovaun Woods backing vocals
Keisha Frierson backing vocals
Kimberly Mont backing vocals
Tamula Crawford backing vocals
Tiffani Ransom backing vocals
Jerry Guidroz engineer, assistant
Michael Modesto engineer, assistant
Todd Robbins mixed by, recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Mighty Long WayAnointed3:33
2Gonna Lift Your NameAnointed3:43
3Now That I'm FreeAnointed4:38
4Jesus Is LordAnointed7:18
5Eternal LifeAnointed4:16
6Gotta MoveAnointed3:16
7Trust In YouAnointed3:51
8Now Is The TimeAnointed3:57
9The Great I AmAnointed3:10
10You AreAnointed5:06
11Gonna Lift Your Name (Remix)Anointed3:35
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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