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Album Cover
Anser & Eversor
Flow Royal

Album GR 2013 on Major League Bangers label

Παραγωγή, ηχοληψία, μίξη & mastering για την Major League Bangers.

PortraitAnser , *1983 GR
lyrics by, performer, programmed by, album by
PortraitEversor , *1984
producer, recorded by, mixed by, mastered by, programmed by, album by
PortraitCut Brawl ,
PortraitIratus voc,
PortraitAndry J ,
Aish Design artwork
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1FlowroyalAnser & Eversor2:58
2Χίλιες Νύχτες Και Μία ΜετάAnser & Eversor3:53
3Νους ΙθύνωνAnser & Eversor3:52
4Όσο ΜεγάλωναAnser & Eversor3:40
5ΚερκίδαAnser & Eversor3:15
6ΟπαδόςAnser & Eversor3:00
7Βάζω ΤέρμαAnser & Eversor3:30
8ΔέντροAnser & Eversor3:44
9Οι Άνθρωποι Στα Χρόνια ΜαςAnser & Eversor3:43
10Η Χρονιά ΜουAnser & Eversor3:17
11Φιλοσοφία ΖωήςAnser & Eversor3:40
12Εκεί ΈξωAnser & Eversor4:00
13 OutroAnser & Eversor1:18

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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