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Album Cover
Anthony Phillips
Mystery And Documentary

Album UK 2001 on Atmosphere label

Library music Title is Mystery And Documentary on the cover and label, and Mystery & Documentary on the spines.

PortraitAnthony Phillips acg, *1951 GB
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Simple Piano / PurityAnthony Phillips
2A Path Not Taken - Simple VersionAnthony Phillips1:52
3A Path Not Taken - Faster VersionAnthony Phillips2:24
4Pure WaterAnthony Phillips2:06
5Liquid MirrorAnthony Phillips1:44
6Liquid Mirror - No PianoAnthony Phillips2:01
7Quirky / IntriguingAnthony Phillips
8GalleriaAnthony Phillips1:52
9Pizz PaceAnthony Phillips2:47
10Ethereal / Airy / DelicateAnthony Phillips
11ThermalAnthony Phillips1:30
12Warm HazeAnthony Phillips1:17
13Wonder GeneAnthony Phillips1:43
14CumulusAnthony Phillips1:35
15SolarisAnthony Phillips1:24
16BiosphereAnthony Phillips2:19
17History / Timewatch / DelicateAnthony Phillips
18InfernoAnthony Phillips1:23
19Nemesis - Reversal Of FortuneAnthony Phillips2:07
20Nemesis - Sad EmpireAnthony Phillips1:49
21Winter CampaignAnthony Phillips1:34
22Woman's GriefAnthony Phillips2:08
23GraveyardAnthony Phillips1:58
24Light Mystery / SurveillanceAnthony Phillips
25ParanormalAnthony Phillips1:41
26Deadly PastAnthony Phillips1:23
27SurveillanceAnthony Phillips1:55
28Crime / Re-Constructions / ForensicsAnthony Phillips
29Random ElementsAnthony Phillips2:04
30DeceivedAnthony Phillips1:39
31Underwater TombAnthony Phillips1:25
32Crime SceneAnthony Phillips1:51
33Lost CauseAnthony Phillips1:32
34No SurvivorsAnthony Phillips1:16
35Heavy Tension / HorrorAnthony Phillips
36Black PlagueAnthony Phillips1:33
37Black Plague - U/ScoreAnthony Phillips1:30
38Dark AgesAnthony Phillips2:10
39Dark Ages - Solo SFXAnthony Phillips0:22
40Scary ThrobAnthony Phillips1:33
41TerminateAnthony Phillips1:54
42SoulsAnthony Phillips1:26
43Science / Mystery / Discovery - The Natural WorldAnthony Phillips
44The AbyssAnthony Phillips1:32
45SirensAnthony Phillips1:53
46Ocean CurrentAnthony Phillips1:42
47Clear WaterAnthony Phillips1:33
48IlluminationsAnthony Phillips1:19
49CavernAnthony Phillips1:37
50Hidden DepthsAnthony Phillips1:33
51Cold / AtmosphericAnthony Phillips
52Snow BlindAnthony Phillips1:31
53Cold PlanetAnthony Phillips2:13
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