Band, RO
Discogs notice: This artist does not refer to a specific group of named individuals (such as a band or musical group) but rather defines the collective term for people living throughout the southern Balkans, especially in northern Greece, Albania, the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria, and as an emigrant community in Romania. Please use this "artist" name (or any language variation thereof, via an ANV) for the Arminesti, Aromanians, Aroumains, Aromounes, Aromuns, Cinsari, Grecs vlachophones, Hellénovalaques, Koutso-Valaques, Koutsovalaques, Koutzo-Valaques, Koutzovalaques, Macédo-Roumains, Macédoroumains, Roumains du Sud, Tchobans, Tsintsares, Tsintsars, Tzantzarii, Valaques aroumains, Vlachos, Vlachs, Vlahos, Vlakhiotes, Vlaques, Vlassi, Zinzares.
Dumitru Zogu voc | |
Vasile Mitrenca voc | |
Nicolae Zogu voc | |
Dumitru Caimacan voc | |
Vasile Giogi voc | |
Gheorghe Cica voc | |
Grigore Leșe voc *1954 RO | |
Nicolae Preșa voc | |
Tănase Șiapte voc |
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Grigore Leșe Și Aromânii Fârseroti | Grigore Leșe Și Aromanians | 2011 | Album |
Cāntitsi Shi Isturii / Songs And Stories | Aromanians | 2006 | Album |
Roumanie - Polyphonie Vocale Des Aroumains / Rumania = Rumania - Vocal Polyphony Of The Arumanians | Aromanians | 1983 | Compil. |