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Album Cover
Arrested Development

Album US 1993 on Chrysalis label
Hip-Hop/Rap (RnB/Swing, Pop Rap)

Recorded live for MTV Unplugged on January 6, 1993. Mixed at Bosstown Recording Studios and D.A.R.P. Studios. (both studios Down South). Mastered by EMI Mfg. Tracks 1, 2, 4 to 12 and 14 to 18 published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc./Arrested Development Music (BMI). Tracks 3 and 13 published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc./Arrested Development Music (BMI)/OLU MMOID Music (BMI). Management: Entertainment Resources International, Inc. ℗© 1993 Chrysalis Records, Inc., a division of EMI Records Group, N.A. Manufactured by Captiol Records, Inc., a subsidiary of Captiol-EMI Music, Inc., and manufactured by Columbia House under license. Printed in the U.S.A.

PortraitArrested Development , 1988-1996 US
album by
Frederick Cash Jr
acoustic bass
PortraitKundalini Mark Batson ,
directed by, co music director, piano, written by
PortraitSpeech voc, bvoc, *1968 US
directed by, co music director, lead vocals, mixed by, audio, written by
PortraitJu Ju House dr, US
PortraitRasa Don dr,
PortraitBrandon Ross g, eg, US
Van Toffler
management, senior v.p. business development
PortraitBaba Oje voc,
other, spiritual advisor
PortraitAerle Taree ,
other, stylist, vocals
PortraitDavid Pleasant perc, h, voc, US
harmonica, percussion, handmade percussion, quaker oats horn, box of grits, hose horn, hand bone
PortraitAtiba Wilson fl,
percussion, flute
PortraitMontsho Eshe voc,
choreography, performer, dancer, vocals
turntables, turntable instrumentalist
PortraitArnaé ,
Fulani Hart
PortraitKelli Sae voc, US
PortraitKevin Carnes perc, voc, dr,
Terrance Cinque Mason
PortraitNadirah Ali voc,
vocals, vocalists
Joel Stillerman executive-producer
Beth McCarthy film director, director
Bart Phillips management
Michael T. Mauldin management
Phillip L. Calloway management
Kevin Parker mixed by, assistant
Mike Alvord mixed by, assistant
Alvin Speights mixed by, audio
Frank Micelotta photography by
Michael Benabib photography by
Alex Coletti producer
Audrey Johns production manager, line producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1TimeArrested Development0:52
2Give A Man A FishArrested Development4:06
3The Gettin'Arrested DevelopmentKundalini Mark Batson, Speech2:10
4NaturalArrested Development4:55
5Searchin' For One SoulArrested Development1:22
6Raining RevolutionArrested Development4:33
7Fishin' 4 ReligionArrested Development4:04
8Mama's Always On StageArrested Development3:21
9UArrested Development5:21
10Mr. WendalArrested Development4:35
11People EverydayArrested Development6:21
12Give A Man A Fish (Instrumental)Arrested Development4:11
13The Gettin' (Instrumental)Arrested DevelopmentKundalini Mark Batson, Speech2:10
14Natural (Instrumental)Arrested Development4:55
15Searchin' For One Soul (Instrumental)Arrested Development1:22
16Raining Revolution (Instrumental)Arrested Development4:33
17Mama's Always On Stage (Instrumental)Arrested Development4:37
18Mr. Wendal (Instrumental)Arrested Development3:30
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Arrested Development - Unplugged US 1993 Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul
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