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Arthur Collins

voc, 1864-1933 US, Philadelphia
Singer of Pop

Born: February 7, 1864 Died: August 3, 1933 Baritone Arthur Collins deserves a title like Ragtime King since he made more discs with "rag" or "ragtime" in the title than any other singer, bringing the upbeat music into middle class parlors where the Victrola stood. He recorded on different occasions in the 1890s the Ernest Hogan song "All Coons Look Alike To Me," a song that is important since its 1896 sheet music has the first known use of "rag" as a musical term. Many of Collins' recordings are identified as a "coon song" or "darky song," which may be one reason scholars avoid crediting this white singer with popularizing ragtime.

  • Pop
  • Jazz
  • World
  • Spoken Word
Popular Tracks   
Steamboat Bill on The King of the Ragtime Singers - The Best Of Arthur Collins by Arthur Collins
Alexander's Ragtime Band on The King of the Ragtime Singers - The Best Of Arthur Collins by Arthur Collins
Hello! Ma Baby - Remastered on Hello! Ma Baby by Arthur Collins
The Suicide Blues (Recorded 1919) on Encore 3 Comic Ragtime Minstrel Songs by Arthur Collins
The Preacher and the Bear (Recorded 1912) on Encore 3 Comic Ragtime Minstrel Songs by Arthur Collins
O Death Where Is Thy Sting on Really the Blues?: A Blues History, Vol. 1 by Various Artists, James Reese Europe & Paul Whiteman
Bill Bailey on The King of the Ragtime Singers - The Best Of Arthur Collins by Arthur Collins
Everybody's Jazzin’ It (Victor 18303B) [Recorded 1917] on Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan [Victor Discs] [1913-1918] [Encore 3] by Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan
My Tiger Lily - Remastered on Hello! Ma Baby by Arthur Collins
I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark on The King of the Ragtime Singers - The Best Of Arthur Collins by Arthur Collins

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
The Preacher And The BearArthur Collins2013Album
Scissors To GrindArthur Collins1920Single
The Right Of The People To RuleArthur Collins1919Single
K-K-K-Katy / CleopatraArthur Collins1918Album
When My Great Grand Daddy And My Great Grand Mammy Used To Cuddle And Coo In A Cocoanut Tree / Where The Black Eyed Susans GrowArthur Collins / Henry Lewis1916Album
The Preacher And The Bear / Bake Dat Chicken PieArthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1916Album
When You're Down In Louisville / If You've Got A Little BitCollins And Harlan, Arthur Collins1916Album
On The Old Back Seat Of The Henry Ford / The Kid Is CleverArthur Collins1916Single
They're Wearing 'Em Higher In HawaiiArthur Collins1916Single
Auntie Skinner's Chicken Dinner / There Must Be Little Cupids In The BrinyArthur Collins And Byron G. Harlan, Billy Murray1915Single
Row, Row, Row / We've Got A Parrot In Our HouseArthur Collins And Byron G. Harlan1914Single
My Sambo / That Mesmerizing Mendelssohn TuneArthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1913Single
Any Rags / My BambazooArthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1913Single
The Wedding Glide / When Uncle Joe Plays A Rag On His Old BanjoAda Jones And Herbert Scott, Arthur Collins1912Album
You've Got Me Hypnotized / Defenders Of The FlagArthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan / Prince's Band1912Album
Down At Mammy Jinny's / When Uncle Joe Plays a Rag on His Old BanjoThat Girl Quartet / Arthur Collins1912Album
The Ragtime Goblin Man / Hear The Pickaninny BandArthur Collins / Columbia Quartette1912Album
I Was Roaming AlongArthur Collins1912Album
Aunt Mandy / The Ghost Of The Banjo CoonGolden And Hughes / Arthur Collins1912Album
The Mississippi Stoker / Love's SentenceArthur Collins / Ada Jones And Billy Murray1911Album
In The Land Of Harmony / All AloneArthur Collins / Ada Jones And Walter Van Brunt1911Album
I Love It / The Dublin RagArthur Collins / Ada Jones1911Album
Steamboat Bill / The Mississippi Dippy DipArthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1911Album
Chicken Reel / Gee, But It's Great To Meet A Friend From Your Home TownArthur Collins, Billy Murray1911Album
Temptation RagArthur Collins1910Single
Stop, Stop, Stop (Come Over And Love Me Some More) / Lovie JoeElida Morris / Arthur Collins1910Album
What You Going To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round / Down Among The Sugar CaneArthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1910Album
Nobody Knows Where John Brown Went / Please Don't Tell My WifeArthur Collins, Eddie Morton1910Album
Cubanola Glide / Shaky EyesPrince's Orchestra / Arthur Collins1910Album
What's The Use Of Loving, If You Can't Love All The Time / Way Down Yonder In The CornfieldArthur Collins1909Album
That's A Plenty / My Wife's Gone To The Country, Hurrah!, Hurrah!Arthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1909Album
Alexander Jones / Run Brudder Possum RunArthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1909Album
But You'll Never Know Till You Get Married / Abraham Lincoln Jones Or The ChristeningBob Roberts, Arthur Collins1909Album
Rag Babe / Yankiana RagArthur Collins1909Album
Thats A Plenty / My Wife's Gone To The Country, Hurrah! Hurrah!Arthur Collins / Collins And Harlan1909Album
Uncle Josh And The Billiken / The Hot Tamale ManCal Stewart / Arthur Collins1909Album
The White Wash ManArthur Collins1909Single
Come Right In, Sit Right DownArthur Collins1909Single
Pastor Jones Three ReasonsArthur Collins1908Album
Much Obliged To YouArthur Collins1908Single
Just Because He Couldn't Sing "Love Me And The World Is Mine"Arthur Collins1908Single
If I'm Going To Die, I'm Going To Have Some Fun / Pride Of The PrairieArthur Collins / Columbia Quartette1908Album
JessamineArthur Collins1908Album
I Get Dippy When I Do That Two-Step DanceArthur Collins1907Album
Dixie DanArthur Collins1907Single
Moses Andrew Jackson Good-ByeArthur Collins1907Single
I Get Dippy When I Do That Two-Step DanceArthur Collins1907Single
And A Little Bit MoreArthur Collins1907Single
I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I'm On My WayArthur Collins1906Album
Pretty DesdamoneArthur Collins1906Album
Bill Simmons (I've Got To Dance 'Till The Band Gits Through)Arthur Collins1906Single
I'll Be Back In A Minute But I Got To Go NowArthur Collins1906Album
Moving DayArthur Collins1906Single
The Preacher And The Bear / Is Your Mother In, Molly Malone?Arthur Collins / Billy Murray1906Album
There's A Dark Man Coming With A BundleArthur Collins1905Single
AbrahamArthur Collins1905Single
Ev'ry Little Bit HelpsArthur Collins1905Album
Rufus Rastus Johnson BrownArthur Collins1905Album
What You Goin' To Do When The Rent Comes 'RoundArthur Collins1905Single
Rufus Rastas Johnson Brown (What You Going To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round)Arthur Collins1905Album
Scissors To GrindArthur Collins1904Album
Why Hello Bill Who's Your FriendArthur Collins1904Single
A Rare Old BirdArthur Collins1904Album
The 17th Of MarchArthur Collins1904Single
Any RagsArthur Collins1903Single
I Wonder Why Bill Bailey Don't Come HomeArthur Collins1903Album
BedeliaArthur Collins1903Album
My Maid From HindustanArthur Collins1902Single
All Coons Look Alike To MeArthur Collins1902Single
I Don't Allow No Coons To Hurt My FeelingsArthur Collins1900Album
I'd Leave My Happy Home For YouArthur Collins1900Album
Old Bill JonesArthur Collins1900Album
My Hannah LadyArthur Collins1899Album
Mandy LeeArthur Collins1899Album
Three Minutes With The MinstrelsArthur Collins & Samuel H. Dudley & Ancient City Quartette1898Single
You Look Awfully Good To FatherArthur CollinsAlbum
My Dusky RoseArthur CollinsAlbum
Everybody's Crazy 'Bout The Doggone BluesArthur Collins, Byron G. HarlanSingle
L-O-V-E Spells Trouble To MeArthur CollinsAlbum
Any RagsArthur CollinsAlbum
I'll Loan You Everything I've Got Except My Wife / A Rag-Time EpisodeArthur Collins, Fred Van EpsAlbum
Linder Green - Fly, Fly, Fly - My Rosy Rambler / My Uncle's FarmArthur Collins / Golden And HughesAlbum
Barn Dance / That Mesmerizng Mendelssohn TuneArthur Collins And Byron G. HarlanAlbum
Nobody (Williams)Arthur CollinsSingle
Coonville Cullud BandArthur CollinsAlbum
Edison In StereoHarry Lauder, Ada Jones, Billy Murray, Frederic H. Potter, Manuel Romain, Walter Van Brundt, Arthur Collins, Albert FarringtonCompil.
Run, Brudder Possum, Run - A Negro WarningArthur Collins And Byron G. HarlanAlbum
On The Way To Home Sweet Home / Preacher And The BearHenry Burr / Arthur CollinsAlbum
The Preacher And The Bear / Climbing Up The Golden StairsArthur CollinsAlbum
Turkey In The StrawArthur CollinsAlbum
Three Pickaninnies / Thou Shalt Not Steal Thy Neighbors MuleCollins And Harlan / Arthur CollinsSingle
Those Draftin' Blues / If You're Crazy About The Women You're Not Crazy At AllArthur Collins / Joe RemingtonSingle
Ta,Ta, Au Revoir, Good ByeArthur CollinsAlbum
If You Can't Say Something Good Say Nothing At AllArthur CollinsAlbum
Fireside MinstrelsArthur CollinsAlbum
NobodyArthur CollinsAlbum
How Do You Do, Miss Ragtime / Row, Row, RowJack Manning / Arthur CollinsAlbum
I Love, I Love, I Love My Wife, But Oh! You Kid. / I Wonder Who's Kissing Her NowArthur Collins / Henry BurrAlbum
My Irish Molly OArthur CollinsAlbum
Minstrels, No. 21 / In Ragtime LandVictor Minstrel Company / Arthur CollinsAlbum
Alexander's Rag Time Band / Oh, You Beautiful DollHarry Fay / Alf Campbell Och Arthur CollinsAlbum
Every Little Bit Added To What You've Got Makes Just A Little Bit More / Any RagsArthur CollinsAlbum
There's A Dark Man Coming With A BundleArthur CollinsAlbum
Railroad Rag / Waiting Down By The Mississippi ShoreArthur Collins / Campbell And BurrAlbum
The Preacher And The Bear / The Parson And The TurkeyArthur CollinsAlbum
Yankee Doodle BoyArthur CollinsAlbum
Home Sweet Home Sounds Good To Me / Home Sweet HomeArthur Collins / George AlexanderAlbum
The Preacher And The Bear / NobodyArthur CollinsAlbum
Who's There.Arthur CollinsAlbum
Here's My FriendArthur CollinsAlbum
Who's There.Arthur CollinsAlbum
Billy / Oceana RollAda Jones / Arthur CollinsAlbum
The Original Cohen's / Moving DayAda Jones And Len Spencer / Arthur CollinsAlbum
Night Time In Little Italy / Lilly Of The ValleyArthur Collins and Byron G. HarlanAlbum
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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