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Album Cover
Artists For AZG / MSF
The Spirit Of Hope

Album BE 1996 on EMI Music Belgium label
Rock, Reggae and Pop (Soft Rock, Pop Rock, Reggae-Pop)

(P)+(C) 1996 EMI Belgium NV/SA Released for the benefit of "Artsen Zonder Grenzen / Médecins Sans Frontières", co-ordinated by the charity foundation HOPE VZW/Antwerp.

PortraitArtists For AZG / MSF , BE
album by
PortraitMarty Townsend g,
acoustic guitar, guitar, keyboards, mixed by, producer, mandolin, acoustic guitar, 12-string
PortraitJean-Bosco Safari voc, bvoc,
backing vocals, lead vocals, written by
PortraitDave Foster b,
Patrick Erauw
PortraitJoost Van Den Broeck dr, perc, *1971 BE
drums, percussion
PortraitPaul Michiels voc, key, *1948 BE
lead vocals, backing vocals, keyboards, written by, piano, electric
PortraitEddie Conard perc, *1956 NL
PortraitAlain Van Zeveren key, acc, *1963 BE
piano, arranged by, strings, keyboards, organ, hammond
PortraitHope Choir voc, BE
PortraitSimon Shrimpton-Smith ,
acoustic guitar, high string, acoustic guitar, 6-string
PortraitMarc Kruithof , BE
bass, lead vocals, acoustic guitar, bass, synthesizer, written by
PortraitMarcus Scheibmaier key, *1967 BE
PortraitToots Thielemans h, g, *1922 BE
PortraitPieter Van Bogaert org, key,
organ, hammond
PortraitPaul Despiegelaere g, voc, key, 1942-2013 BE
written by, lead vocals, acoustic guitar, bass, tambourine
PortraitEvert Verhees b, *1953 BE
PortraitEric Melaerts g, *1957 BE
guitar, producer, programmed by, acoustic guitar, guitar, keyboards
PortraitPitti Polak , 1990-1998 BE
lead vocals
PortraitWerner Pensaert key, dr, BE
producer, keyboards
PortraitLuc Smets key, voc, BE
lead vocals, backing vocals, keyboards, written by, arranged by, orchestra
PortraitRonny Mosuse voc, b, g, *1971 BE
bass, producer, programmed by, vocals, percussion, written by
PortraitLars Van Bambost g, BE
PortraitJan Leyers voc, g, *1958 BE
written by, producer, lead vocals, acoustic guitar
PortraitAndrea Croonenberghs voc, *1964 BE
lead vocals
PortraitBilly Overloop ts, sax, perc, BE
PortraitThe Hope Strings str, BE
PortraitDirk Blanchart voc, *1958 BE
written by, producer, lead vocals, guitar, keyboards, programmed by
PortraitKris Wauters key, p, *1964 BE
lead vocals, backing vocals, written by
PortraitJohan Moeyersons ,
PortraitDavid Linx voc, *1965 BE
PortraitSofie voc, bvoc, *1956 BE
lead vocals, written by
PortraitHervé Martens p, syn, org, BE
piano, written by, keyboards
PortraitFil Yzerdraad b, BE
PortraitNiko Lombardo ,
PortraitMeredith Vedts voc, BE
lead vocals
PortraitRobert Mosuse voc, perc, 1970-2000 BE
producer, programmed by, vocals, percussion, written by
PortraitHenri Ylen sax, BE
PortraitKanga LaVrado voc,
lead vocals, written by
PortraitMark Vanhie voc, BE
lead vocals, written by, producer, keyboards, guitar
PortraitGunther Thomas voc, *1972 BE
PortraitNele Bommerez ,
noises, car horns, vocals, protest
PortraitWim Bommerez ,
noises, car horns, vocals, protest
PortraitThe Rubio Stringquartet ,
Hope Choir backing vocals
Marc Kruithof backing vocals
Hans Bungeneers design, layout
Thierry De Vries engineer, assistant
Louis Jans mastered by
Raf De Clercq mixed by, recorded by
Roger Dijckmans photography by, cover photo
Paul Michiels backing vocals
The Polak Sisters backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Hope ChorusArtists For AZG / MSFMarc Kruithof0:20
2Rebel With A Tender HeartArtists For AZG / MSFJean-Bosco Safari3:03
3Ship To NowhereArtists For AZG / MSFPaul Michiels4:48
4Just Another NightArtists For AZG / MSFPaul Despiegelaere3:13
5Part Of My HeartArtists For AZG / MSFPaul Mertens2:04
6The SimpletonArtists For AZG / MSFColin Pilditch, Frank Rover, Luc Smets3:04
7All By MyselfArtists For AZG / MSFJan Leyers3:19
8ZarArtists For AZG / MSFJean-Bosco Safari4:08
9Cry For A MiracleArtists For AZG / MSFDirk Blanchart4:08
10Love At First SightArtists For AZG / MSFJean-Bosco Safari, Kris Wauters3:17
11Always Be ThereArtists For AZG / MSFHervé Martens, Sofie, Vanessa Van Strijthem2:49
12HopeArtists For AZG / MSFMarc Kruithof4:22
13A Winter LakeArtists For AZG / MSFRudolf Hecke4:27
14Listen To Your HeartArtists For AZG / MSFRobert Mosuse, Ronny Mosuse3:22
15No Time To WasteArtists For AZG / MSFKanga LaVrado, Mark Vanhie4:37
16Darkness And LightArtists For AZG / MSFJean-Bosco Safari, Kris Wauters2:55
17Don't Let 'Em DownArtists For AZG / MSFJean-Bosco Safari, Vincent Goeminne5:42
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