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Album Cover
Aviv Geffen & The Mistakes

Album IL 2008 on Helicon Records label
Rock and Pop (Pop Rock)

Live box set with 32 page lyric booklet. Each disc is packaged in a separate card sleeve with a clam-shell box. Two new studio recordings are also included - 'There Is No Happiness At Night' and 'Black & White', the latter being re-recorded in English as 'Black + White' for the 2009 'Aviv Geffen' album. DVD authoring by Master Disk Post Production House. DVD contains early and recent live footage in chronological order, together with several promo videos. The lyrics on the album are sung in Hebrew. The English translations of the song titles are taken (and corrected) from the official website The CDs were recorded mainly during summer 2007 in Nitzanim, Wohl Amphi, Zappa and Hangar 11. Mixed at Air Studio & Strongroom Studio, London. Track 1-19 was recorded at Air Studio. Track 2-18 was recorded and mixed at Air Studio and Abbey Road Studios. Aviv Geffen & The Mistakes - Live 1-1 - Intro: Edith Piaf - La Vie En Rose / Tomorrow 1-2 - Last Night 1-3 - Billion Mistakes 1-4 - Angel 1-5 - Our Song 1-6 - We Are Equal 1-7 - Good Morning Iran 1-8 - Mexico 1-9 - When You Are Here 1-10 - Heroin 1-11 - Should I Be In Love With You 1-12 - It's Only The Heart That Hurts You 1-13 - Seasons 1-14 - White Nights 1-15 - Big Dreams 1-16 - Journey 1-17 - Hope Song 1-18 - End Of The World 1-19 - There Is No Happiness At Night (Studio) 2-1 - The Next War 2-2 - Garden Of Sin 2-3 - I Miss You Here 2-4 - Tomorrow (Nova) 2-5 - The Wimp Song 2-6 - Cry For You 2-7 - Everything's Falling Apart 2-8 - The Letter 2-9 - Sad Without You 2-10 - What Do They Want From Aviv 2-11 - Wake Up 2-12 - With The Time 2-13 - Sad Song 2-14 - We Loved 2-15 - The Moonlight 2-16 - Nowhere 2-17 - It's Cloudy Now 2-18 - Black & White (Studio) DVD-1 - The Moonlight (Live 1992) DVD-2 - Billion Mistakes (Live 1993) DVD-3 - Suicide (Live 1994) DVD-4 - Where Are You Going (Live 1994) DVD-5 - I Hate (Live 1995) DVD-6 - Wake Up (Video 2000) DVD-7 - Scars (Video 2000) DVD-8 - Sad Song (Video 2000) DVD-9 - With The Time (Video 2006) DVD-10 - Tomorrow (Video 2006) DVD-11 - For You (Video 2006) DVD-12 - We're Both Equal (Live 2006) DVD-13 - It's Only Your Heart That Aches (Live 2006) DVD-14 - Glow (Live 2006) DVD-15 - End Of The World (Live 2006) DVD-16 - It's Cloudy Now (Live 2006) DVD-17 - Tomorrow (Live 2007) DVD-18 - Our Song (Live 2007) DVD-19 - Should I Be In Love With You (Live 2007) DVD-20 - Black & White (Video 2008 - Hebrew) DVD-21 - Black & White (Video 2008 - English)

PortraitAviv Geffen voc, *1973 IL
arranged by, producer, musical production, lyrics by, composed by, vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, tambourine, electric piano, fender rhodes, album by, keyboards, bass guitar, vocals, backing vocals, electric piano, fender rhodes, arranged by, orchestrated by, strings orchestration, producer, musical production, translated by, orchestrated by, arranged by, strings arrangement, vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboards, backing vocals
PortraitThe Mistakes ,
album by
נדב נישט
animation, dvd
אלכס פישלר
authoring, dvd
PortraitSeffy Efrati eb,
bass guitar, backing vocals
Nir Gutraiman
design, dvd menus
PortraitTomer Z dr, perc, IL
drums, tambourine, percussion, drums, shaker
PortraitShlomi Keinan bvoc, key,
edited by, music consultant, keyboards, programmed by, backing vocals
PortraitHarel Ben-Ami eg, g,
electric guitar
PortraitEran Mitelman key, p, org,
keyboards, piano, backing vocals, keyboards, additional
Meir Kotler
management, personal
PortraitMike Garson p, *1945 US
piano, uncredited, featuring
PortraitHaim Gozali ,
producer, dvd
גלית קאשי
producer, dvd
Shlomit Amir
public relations
PortraitThe London Orchestra ,
strings, horns
PortraitThe London Symphony Orchestra ,
Portraitנורית גפן ,
Portraitעדי כהן-צדק ,
Portraitאבנר אלקרס ,
רפי קריספין a&r
Carl Glover design
תמי סטמרי management, israeli department
Steve Orchard mixed by, recorded by, mixed by, producer, musical production
Mick Huston photography by
זהבית לגאלי post production
אורי אבני production manager
ירון גורן sound designer
Alex Moshe backing vocals
Aviv Geffen backing vocals, producer, musical production
מיכאל גורביץ'‏ film editor
ניר מסטרו film director
Dror Nahum film director
Roy Werner film director
תמיר וקסלר film director
בני כרמלי film director
Lasse Hoile film director
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1אינטרוAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:50
2Edith Piaf - La Vie En RoseAviv Geffen & The MistakesLuis Guglielmi, Edith Piaf
3מחרAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
4אמשAviv Geffen & The Mistakes2:38
5מיליארד טועיםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes2:59
6מלאךAviv Geffen & The Mistakes2:21
7השיר שלנוAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:35
8שנינו שוויםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:12
9בוקר טוב אירןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:23
10מקסיקוAviv Geffen & The Mistakes5:18
11כשאתה כאןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:55
12הרואיןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:31
13האם להיות בך מאוהבAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:10
14זה רק הלב שכואב לךAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:24
15עונותAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:41
16לילות לבניםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:14
17חלומות גדוליםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:06
18יומן מסעAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:23
19שיר תקווהAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:21
20סוף העולםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes5:43
21אין שמחים בלילהAviv Geffen & The Mistakes5:25
22המלחמה הבאהAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:27
23גן החטאיםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:25
24אתה פה חסר ליAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:14
25מחר נובהAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:38
26שיר הסמרטוטיםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:18
27לבכות לךAviv Geffen & The Mistakes2:42
28הכל מתפוררAviv Geffen & The Mistakes2:13
29המכתבAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:53
30עצוב בלעדייךAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:17
31מה הם רוצים מאביבAviv Geffen & The Mistakes2:56
32עורי עורAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:24
33עם הזמןAviv Geffen & The MistakesLéo Ferré4:32
34שיר עצובAviv Geffen & The Mistakes3:39
35אהבנוAviv Geffen & The Mistakes5:55
36אור הירחAviv Geffen & The Mistakes6:36
37שומקוםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes5:12
38עכשיו מעונןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes6:28
39שחור לבןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes4:07
40(1992) אור הירחAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
41(Live 1993) מיליארד טועיםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
42(Live 1994) התאבדותAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
43(Live 1994) לאן את הולכתAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
44(Live 1995) אני שונאAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
45(Video 2000) עורי עורAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
46(Video 2000) צלקותAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
47(Video 2000) שיר עצובAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
48(Video 2006) עם הזמןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
49(Video 2006) מחרAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
50(Video 2006) בשבילךAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
51(Live 2006) שנינו שוויםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
52(Live 2006) זה רק הלב שכואב לךAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
53(Live 2006) זוהריםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
54(Live 2006) סוף העולםAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
55(Live 2006) עכשיו מעונןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
56(Live 2007) מחרAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
57(Live 2007) השיר שלנוAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
58(Live 2007) האם להיות בך מאוהבAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
59(Video 2008 - Hebrew) שחור לבןAviv Geffen & The Mistakes
60Black & White (Video 2008 - English)Aviv Geffen & The Mistakes
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