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Album Cover
Avril Lavigne
World Name

Compil. UA 2003 on FullHouse Records label
Rock and Pop (Alternative Rock, Pop Rock)

World Name series including top hits & tracks from new album. АРТ. F42368 ПЛУ 60055853 Track 11: Mislabeled on back cover as "Nobody's Fool Ask". Track 14: Is a Green Day cover version. Track 16: Is a Bob Dylan cover version. (Printed as "somebody cover"). Track 17: Is a Metallica cover version. © 2003 FullHouse Records. All rights reserved of the producer and owner of the reproduced reserved, all rights reserved. The program is licensed only for private (individual) domestic viewing. Full or partial rewriting, also translation on cable and radio channels of TV are forbidden. The soundtrack which has been written down on this carrier, is intended only private use. Any non-authorized use, including copying, editing, hire and duplicating soundtrack or its parts are forbidden and is pursued under the law. Designed by Babai.

PortraitAvril Lavigne voc, bvoc, *1984 CA
album by
Babai design
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Losing GripAvril Lavigne
2ComplicatedAvril Lavigne
3Sk8er BoyAvril Lavigne
4I'm With YouAvril Lavigne
5MobileAvril Lavigne
6UnwantedAvril Lavigne
7TomorrowAvril Lavigne
8Anything But OrdinaryAvril Lavigne
9Things I'll Never SayAvril Lavigne
10My WorldAvril Lavigne
11Nobody's FoolAvril Lavigne
12Too Much To AskAvril Lavigne
13NakedAvril Lavigne
14Basket CaseAvril LavigneBillie Joe Armstrong, Frank E. Wright, Michael Pritchard
15I Don't GiveAvril Lavigne
16Knocking On Heavens DoorAvril LavigneBob Dylan
17Fuel (Metallica Cover)Avril LavigneJames Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Lars Ulrich
18Two RiversAvril Lavigne
19Get Over ItAvril Lavigne
20Touch The SkyAvril Lavigne
21WhyAvril Lavigne
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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