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Album Cover
Faust Des Nordwestens

Album DE 2003 on Pelham Power Productions label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Gangsta, Conscious, Pop Rap)

(P) & (C) 2003 PELHAM GmbH.

PortraitAzad voc, *1973 DE
lyrics by, music by, producer, photography by, scratches, album by
PortraitWON , *1967 DE
design, "asian" fonts by
PortraitSpecter , DE
design, logo by
PortraitChan ,
producer, introskit, music by, producer
PortraitKool Savas voc, *1975 DE
featuring, rap, uncredited
PortraitSavas Yurderi ,
lyrics by
PortraitBenjamin Bazzazian , DE
music by, producer
PortraitJ-Luv voc,
featuring, vocals, uncredited, vocals, additional
PortraitJulian Williams voc, *1979 DE
lyrics by
PortraitJeyz , *1978 DE
music by, producer, lyrics by
PortraitWolfgang Manns ,
recorded by, vocals
PortraitManuel Mandrysch ,
PortraitLinda Carriere voc, bvoc, GB
featuring, vocals, uncredited, lyrics by
PortraitSako , FR
featuring, rap, uncredited, lyrics by
PortraitM-Tech ,
PortraitRockin Robin ,
PortraitWarheit , *2003 DE
featuring, rap, uncredited
PortraitChaker , DE
lyrics by
PortraitJim Sengendo , DE
lyrics by
PortraitSezai Senel , DE
lyrics by
Goran Baric production manager, a&r, a&r-manager, liner notes, songbook by, photography by
Redrocket Design artwork
Jan Meininghaus cover
Wolfgang Manns engineer, assistant
Georg Winterling liner notes, songbook by
Jean-Christophe Beaudon mastered by
Philippe Beneytout mixed by, recorded by
David Cuenca photography by
Dietmar Kolb photography by
Sandra Mann photography by
Thorsten Klapsch photography by
FdA-Productions producer
Rockin Robin recorded by
DJ Rasputin producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
3#1AzadSavas Yurderi3:32
4BangAzadJulian Williams3:45
5Prelude DramaAzad0:37
6DramaAzadLinda Carriere4:36
7Ehre & StärkeAzadSako3:52
8MC U Reen (Fliegenklatsche)Azad2:53
9Faust Des NordwestensAzad3:56
10Prelude ?Azad0:22
12Schmerz / ÜberlebenAzad3:30
13Mein LichtAzad3:33
14Ruhe Vor Dem SturmAzadChaker, Jeyz, Jim Sengendo, Sezai Senel3:10
15Fickt EuchAzad3:30
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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