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Album Cover
Béla Bartók / Igor Stravinsky
De Moderne Klassieken

Compil. NL 1979 on Deutsche Grammophon label
Classical (Modern)

"De A zijde is een produkt van Philips. De B zijde is een produkt van Deutsche Grammophon. Translation: Side A is a product of Philips and Side B is a product of Deutsche Grammophon. Part of the series "Lezen over en luisteren naar ... Muziek onder Woorden". This is a Dutch series consisting of 61 LP's + 5 Books in a cassette offered by mail subscription. And an extensive and elaborate treatise in word and audio on Western Classical Music. The back cover sleeve notes are in Dutch only.

PortraitBéla Bartók p, 1881-1945 HU
album by, composed by
PortraitIgor Stravinsky p, 1882-1971 RU
album by, composed by
PortraitBernard Haitink vn, *1929 NL
PortraitConcertgebouworkest ,
PortraitClaudio Abbado hps, 1933-2014 IT
PortraitThe London Symphony Orchestra ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Muziek Voor Snaarinstrumenten, Slagwerk En CelestaBéla Bartók / Igor StravinskyBéla Bartók
2Andante TranquilloBéla Bartók / Igor Stravinsky
3AllegroBéla Bartók / Igor Stravinsky
4AdagioBéla Bartók / Igor Stravinsky
5Allegro MoltoBéla Bartók / Igor Stravinsky
6Suite Uit Het Ballet 'De Vuurvogel'Béla Bartók / Igor StravinskyIgor Stravinsky
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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