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Album Cover
Banda Mantiqueira

Album BR 1996 on Pau Brasil label
Jazz (Big Band)

Recorded 28-30 November 1995 in Brazil

PortraitBanda Mantiqueira , BR
album by
PortraitNailor Proveta Azevedo as, cl,
alto saxophone, clarinet
PortraitMauricio De Souza sax, BR
baritone saxophone, flute, piccolo flute
PortraitÉdson Alves g, BR
electric bass, guitar
PortraitFred Prince perc,
Cacá Malaquias
tenor saxophone, flute
PortraitValdir Ferreira tb,
PortraitNahor Gomes tr, fh, BR
trumpet, flugelhorn
PortraitOdésio Jericó tr, fh,
trumpet, flugelhorn
PortraitWalmir De Almeida Gil tr, fh,
trumpet, flugelhorn
PortraitFrançois De Lima tb,
valve trombone
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Linha De PasseBanda Mantiqueira5:52
2À ProcuraBanda Mantiqueira8:03
3Seis No ChoroBanda Mantiqueira4:10
4CarinhosoBanda Mantiqueira6:20
5InsensatezBanda Mantiqueira6:40
6CubangoBanda Mantiqueira7:41
7 AldeiaBanda Mantiqueira8:20

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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