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Album Cover
Barbarossa Umtrunk
La Fosse De Babel

Album IT 2014 on Old Europa Cafe label
Electronic and Brass (Military, Neofolk, Political, Industrial)

Limited to 300 copies. Track 5: at 7:46 Humat ad-Diyar, the Syrian national anthem starts playing.

PortraitBarbarossa Umtrunk , *2005 FR
album by
Baron Von S
music by, sampler, sounds, concept by, mastered by, recorded by, read by, text by
PortraitTSIDMZ , IT
PortraitАлександр Дугин , *1962 RU
guest, vocals, text by
PortraitVir Martialis , *2011
Portraitخليل مردم بك ,
lyrics by, 7:46 onwards - uncredited
Portraitمحمد فليفل ,
music by, 7:46 onwards - uncredited
PortraitFront Sonore , FR
PortraitRaymond Abellio ,
text by
PortraitMaya M. ,
guest, vocals
PortraitRa Kha ,
guest, vocals
Reytzsche artwork
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The 4th Political TheoryBarbarossa Umtrunk7:49
2La Structure AbsolueBarbarossa Umtrunk2:28
3In Bashar We TrustBarbarossa Umtrunk15:53
4Army Of Mahdi (Walked In Line)Barbarossa Umtrunk2:11
5SyriaBarbarossa Umtrunkخليل مردم بك9:22
6Vers Un Nouveau ProphétismeBarbarossa Umtrunk9:25
7La Fosse De BabelBarbarossa Umtrunk6:58
8Khalwat Al AbdalBarbarossa Umtrunk4:45
9Ungern Khan, Le Cavalier Du VrilBarbarossa Umtrunk5:32
10Le Grand Empire Eurasiatique De La FinBarbarossa Umtrunk8:34
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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