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Album Cover
Betty Wright

Album US 1994 on Ms.B Records label
R&B/Soul (Soul)

Mfg. & Dist. by The Hines Co., 1635 N. Cahueunga Blvd., 6th Floor, Hollywood Ca. 90028.

PortraitBetty Wright bvoc, voc, *1953 US
lead vocals, backing vocals, producer, arranged by, written by, album by
PortraitAngelo Morris b,
producer, arranged by, guitar, bass, keyboards, drum programming, written by
PortraitJonathan Joseph dr, perc,
PortraitManny Lopez ,
PortraitEddie Montilla key,
PortraitJuan Zambrano ,
keyboards, rhodes
PortraitRobert Thomas, Jr. , *1960 US
PortraitRonnie Laws ts, fl, ss, *1950 US
PortraitAbel Pabon key, PR
PortraitFrank Tontoh dr, GB
Nick Martinelli producer
Jeanette Wright backing vocals
Steve Alaimo backing vocals
Anita Faye Green backing vocals
Dave Morrison backing vocals
Rod Wilson backing vocals
Barbara Colbert backing vocals
Carrie Ginzia backing vocals
Keith Roberts backing vocals
Milton Wright backing vocals
Phillip Wright backing vocals
Debra Laws backing vocals
Gwen Dickey backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1It's The Little ThingsBetty Wright4:35
2Love Is Too DeepBetty Wright4:31
3I Don't KnowBetty Wright4:51
4Feels GoodBetty Wright4:39
5I Know Too Much About YouBetty Wright4:39
6Kiss Me, Hold MeBetty Wright5:00
7Don't Hurt MeBetty Wright5:26
8For Love AloneBetty Wright7:48
9Love Of My LifeBetty Wright4:29
10Only YouBetty Wright5:07
11Distant LoverBetty WrightGwen Gordy Fuqua, Marvin Gaye, Sandra Greene5:20
12Makin' LoverBetty Wright5:04
13I Found LoveBetty Wright4:34
14Please Tell Me YesBetty Wright4:39
External Links
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