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Album Cover
Bisser Kirow
Катастрофа = Accident

Album BG 1982 on Балкантон label

Tracklisting is in Russian on the labels. Artist, title on labels: Бисер Киров „Катастрофа“.

PortraitBisser Kirow voc, 1942-2016
album by
PortraitПаралел 42 ,
PortraitТоника СВ ,
Огнян Цветков
recorded by, sound operator
Филип Малеев design
Ирина Петрова engineer, sound engineer
Дечо Таралежков producer
Атанас Байнов recording supervisor, sound director
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Катастрофа = AccidentBisser Kirow
2В Есенен Час = In An Autumn HourBisser Kirow
3Любовта, Тази Стара Шега = Love, This Old GameBisser Kirow
4Вечерница Ти Пак Бъди = Be My Evening Star AgainBisser Kirow
5Не Мога Да Реша = I Can't Make Up My MindBisser Kirow
6Сонет = SonnetBisser Kirow
7Като Сол = Like SaltBisser Kirow
8Умиране = DyingBisser Kirow
9Кратък Дъжд = ShowerBisser Kirow
10Сватбата На Мама = Mummy's WeddingBisser Kirow
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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