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Album Cover
Bjølsen Valsemølle
Soria Moria

Compil. NO 1996 on Norske Gram label
Rock and Blues

Tracks 1 to 5 from the album: Fem På Midnatt Tracks 6 to 9 from the album: Vaterlands Bru Tracks 10, 11 from the album: På Ørnevinger Tracks 12 & 13 new tracks for this album

PortraitBjølsen Valsemølle ,
album by
PortraitRune Haukum b,
bass, written by
Erik Ring Jensen
PortraitJan Roger Fjeldberg dr, perc,
Johnny Hjort
PortraitLeif Ottesen g, bvoc,
PortraitArild Lukassen key,
PortraitMartin Aune org,
keyboards, organ, accordion
Reidar Berglie
PortraitTrond Ingebretsen voc, h, g, *1948 NO
vocals, guitar, harmonica, written by
PortraitÅge Aleksandersen voc, g, *1949 NO
guitar, written by, mandolin
PortraitGunnar Pedersen g, *1950 NO
PortraitPer Hillestad dr, perc, *1959 NO
PortraitMarius Müller g, voc, 1958-1999 NO
guitar, banjo
PortraitKjetil Bjerkestrand syn, org, *1955 NO
PortraitPer Kolstad p, key,
PortraitMarith Endresen voc, bvoc,
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Soria MoriaBjølsen ValsemølleÅge Aleksandersen
2LisbetBjølsen ValsemølleRune Haukum
3Vålerenga KjerkeBjølsen Valsemølle
4Dem Gud ElskerBjølsen ValsemølleRune Haukum
5Fem På MidnattBjølsen Valsemølle
6I GataBjølsen Valsemølle
7Vaterlands BruBjølsen Valsemølle
8Stramme Inn SlipsetBjølsen Valsemølle
9Anna LouiseBjølsen Valsemølle
10ØrnevingerBjølsen Valsemølle
11VinterlandBjølsen Valsemølle
12Midnatt BlåBjølsen Valsemølle
13 Hvit SnøBjølsen Valsemølle

30sec audio samples provided by

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