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Album Cover
Bjøro Håland
Rett Fra Hjertet

Album NO 1989 on Grappa label

PortraitBjøro Håland voc, bvoc, *1943
choir, mixed by, album by
PortraitPer Kjetil Farstad g, acg, *1952
acoustic guitar, electric guitar, arranged by
PortraitAlf Emil Eik , *1953 NO
acoustic guitar, electric guitar, synth, strings, arranged by, producer, mixed by
PortraitSigurd Køhn sax, as, 1959-2004 NO
alto saxophone
PortraitÅsmund Åmli voc, acg,
Javed Kurd
Kjerulf Samuelsen
Nina Pernille Munksgaard
Arne Håland
PortraitThor Einar Ribe p, org, ep,
PortraitVidar Bø key,
PortraitArne Vigeland g, stg, eb,
steel guitar
Peder Austrud photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Over Djupa VatnBjøro Håland3:44
2Et Lite Hus På LandetBjøro Håland3:16
3Noe Ingen Av Oss VetBjøro Håland3:22
4Er Du Bare MinBjøro Håland2:32
5Minnenes MelodiBjøro Håland2:54
6VårenBjøro Håland2:06
7Den Gamle GyngestolenBjøro Håland3:08
8Inn I Din VerdenBjøro Håland3:30
9RoserBjøro Håland4:00
10En Vanlig ArbeiderBjøro Håland3:24
11SørlandsnetterBjøro Håland3:30
12Naturen Og MennesketBjøro Håland3:06
13SommergjestBjøro Håland3:22
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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