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Album Cover
Bob Marley
3,000 Shows Later!!!

Album US 1997 on Bus Bit Productions label
Spoken Word (Comedy)

Total duration is 60:00.

PortraitBob Marley ,
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Intro With DadBob Marley2:09
2Driving In TonightBob Marley0:48
3The Million Dollar BridgeBob Marley0:40
4Amato'sBob Marley1:07
5I'm Pat CallahanBob Marley1:29
6TV Commercials In MaineBob Marley1:44
7Old Orchard BeachBob Marley1:04
8Mark's ShowplaceBob Marley1:21
9Northern MaineBob Marley0:58
10LL BeansBob Marley0:50
11The Bus BitBob Marley1:27
12Living In Los AngelesBob Marley9:35
13Pork In The BeansBob Marley3:15
14Thanksgiving At The Marley'sBob Marley1:19
15Halloween With MaBob Marley0:57
16Christmas MorningBob Marley2:34
17NY's Eve In PortlandBob Marley2:04
18Easter SundayBob Marley1:04
19Mom Is CrazyBob Marley1:28
20The ThermostatBob Marley1:24
21Up To The ShawsBob Marley3:40
22The Garden HoseBob Marley1:39
23Dad And His PoolBob Marley2:34
24Dad's HammerBob Marley3:18
25Keg Parties In PortlandBob Marley11:33
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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