Musician of World
When Sacko started playing guitar in the 1960s, the concept of a "artist guitarist" barely existed. Only griot artists must sing, dance or play guitariste in Mali. He wasn't a griot, but he changed this rule. He was one of the first nobles to play guitar. The famed praise musicians of West Africa's Mande people mostly worked with the Kora (21-string harp), Ngoni (spike lute) and wooden-slatted Balafon. Bouba's father, Ibrahim Sacko, was the director of the state-sponsored Ensemble Instrumental National Du Mali , so the traditional repertoire and lore of Mande griot heritage surrounded him from the start. Either way, Bouba stuck with the guitar, developing a powerful capacity to evoke traditional instruments using his axe. He was married to Djessira Koné , a famous singer . He died on December 26, 2011.
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