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Album Cover
Bugged Out! Presents Suck My Deck

Album UK 2009 on New State Recordings label
Electronic (Electro)

Track 1: ℗2008 The copyright in this sound recording is owned by EMI Records Ltd. Licensed courtesy of EMI Records Ltd. Track 2: ℗2009 Tartlet Records. Licensed courtesy of Tartlet Records. Track 3: ℗2009 Robotronic Recordings. Licensed courtesy of Robotronic Recordings. Track 4: ℗2009 G-Rex Music. Licensed courtesy of G-Rex Music. Track 5: ℗2009 Hooj Choons. Licensed courtesy of Hooj Choons. Track 6: ℗2008 Anabatic Records. Licensed courtesy of Anabatic Records. Track 7: ℗2009 Institubes. Licensed courtesy of Institubes. Track 8: ℗2008 Opossum Recordings. Licensed courtesy of Opossum Recordings. Track 9: ℗2008 Highgrade Records. Licensed courtesy of Highgrade Records. Track 10: ℗2008 Traum Schallplatten. Licensed courtesy of Traum Schallplatten. Track 11: ℗2008 Size Records. Licensed courtesy of Size Records. Tracks 12, 15: ℗2009 Form Music. Licensed courtesy of In Off Sarl. Track 13: ℗2009 Anabatic Records. Licensed courtesy of Anabatic Records. Track 14: ℗2007 Minisketch. Licensed courtesy of Minisketch. Track 16: ℗2008 Rejected. Licensed courtesy of Rejected. Track 17: ℗2009 Boy 8-Bit under exclusive license to This Is Music Ltd. Licensed courtesy of This Is Music Ltd. Track 18: ℗2009 Dubsided. Licensed courtesy of Dubsided. Track 19: ℗2009 Ammunition. Licensed courtesy of Ammunition. Track 20: ℗2009 3201937 Canada Inc, licensed to Wall Of Sound. Licensed courtesy of Wall Of Sound. Track 21: ℗2009 Relish Recordings. Licensed courtesy of Relish Recordings. Track 22: ℗2009 Has Been under exclusive license to Universal Music Operations Limited. Licensed courtesy of Universal Music Operations Limited. Track 23: ℗2009 Mirau Musik. Licensed courtesy of Mirau Musik. Track 24: ℗2009 Nice & Nasty. Licensed courtesy of Nice & Nasty. © 2009 New State Entertainment Ltd. This compilation ℗&© 2009 New State Entertainment Ltd. The copyright in this artwork is owned by New State Entertainment Ltd. Printed in the EU. Distributed in the UK by EMI. Publishing: Tracks 1, 6, 9, 10, 12 to 15, 17, 18, 23: Copyright Control. Track 2: Tartlet Records [sic]. Track 3: Robotronic Recordings. Track 4: Belmondo Publishing. Track 5: Virgin/Ed. Airman-Secret Affair. Track 7: Sound Pellegrino, Institubes. Track 8: Opossum Publishing. Track 11: Sky Blue Music. Track 16: Moonside Playground. Track 19: EMI Music Publishing. Track 20: Universal Music Publishing / EMI Music Publishing / Bert Songs / Curse Of The Dove. Track 21: Off Limits, Cock An Ear, Budde Music UK. Track 22: Savoir Fair and All You Need Is Songs. Track 24: Voorn Music, Nice & Nasty.

PortraitBrodinski , *1987 FR
album by
PortraitThe Shoes ,
edited by, sliced + diced
New State Entertainment
compiled by, coordinator, project co-ordination, management, licensing
PortraitLate Of The Pier , GB
performer on track
PortraitKenton Slash Demon , DK
performer on track
PortraitJonas Kenton ,
written by, producer
PortraitSilas Moldenhawer ,
written by, producer
PortraitOkain , FR
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitGregor Salto key, syn, *1976 NL
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitThais Bernandino ,
PortraitKC Flightt voc, US
performer on track
PortraitYaron Cohen ,
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitMomma's Boy ,
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitBroombeck , DE
performer on track
PortraitMarcus Schmahl ,
written by, producer
PortraitFormat: B , DE
performer on track
PortraitLucio Aquilina syn, key, IT
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitRhythm Code ,
performer on track
PortraitAsher Jones ,
written by, producer
PortraitNeil Barber , GB
written by, producer
PortraitPopof dr, FR
performer on track
PortraitTom Flynn , GB
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitPaul Ritch , FR
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitNoob , FR
performer on track
PortraitHeiko Laux , DE
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitBoy 8-Bit , GB
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitRenaissance Man , DE
performer on track
PortraitMartti Kalliala ,
written by, producer
PortraitVille Haimala ,
written by, producer
PortraitDJ Zinc , GB
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitTiga voc, CA
performer on track
PortraitFranz & Shape , IT
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitYuksek voc, *1977 FR
performer on track
PortraitPierre Busson ,
written by, composed by
PortraitIron Curtis , DE
performer on track
PortraitJohannes Paluka ,
written by, producer
PortraitOrlando Voorn voc, dr, NL
performer on track, written by, producer
Richard Robinson art direction, design
Brodinski dj mix
Craig Dormer mastered by
Mads Perch photography by
Erol Alkan producer
Sam Eastgate producer
Adam Dyment remix, producer, additional
Funkin Matt remix, producer, additional
Costantino "Mixmaster" Padovano producer
Riva Starr remix
Roland Michael Dill remix
Djedjotronic remix
Sex Schön remix
Nicolas Borne remix, producer, additional
Pierre-Yves Casanova remix, producer, additional
Has Been producer
Marco Bernardi remix, producer, additional
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Bathroom Gurgle (Duke Dumont Remix)Late Of The PierAndrew Faley, Ross Dawson, Sam Eastgate, Sam Potter2:04
2KhattabiKenton Slash DemonJonas Kenton, Silas Moldenhawer2:10
3Jim RaynorOkainOkain2:47
4Mexer (Funkin Matt 3AM Remix)Gregor SaltoGregor Salto1:47
5Voices (Riva Starr Remix)KC FlighttFrank Toson, Sting1:53
6Laffy TaffyYaron CohenYaron Cohen3:02
7BetoweMomma's BoyMomma's Boy2:00
8The ClapperBroombeckMarcus Schmahl3:03
9Boing 030Format: BFranziskus Sell, Jakob Hildenbrand4:06
10Disco Bus (Roland M. Dill Remix)Lucio AquilinaLucio Aquilina3:09
11The ScorpionRhythm CodeAsher Jones, Neil Barber3:24
12High & DownPopofAlexandre Paounov2:46
13Blow OutTom Flynn (2)Tom Flynn1:31
14NordbanhoffPaul RitchPaul Ritch3:49
15Petite BestiolleNoob (2)Christopher Cartau3:32
16MirabellaHeiko LauxHeiko Laux1:30
17WolfenBoy 8-BitBoy 8-Bit1:45
18HarlemRenaissance ManMartti Kalliala, Ville Haimala3:12
19Blunt EdgeDJ ZincDJ Zinc2:01
20Shoes (Djedjotronic Remix)TigaGonzales, Jesper Dahlbäck, Tiga Sontag2:38
21Melt (Sex Schön Remix)Franz & ShapeFranz & Shape3:04
22Supermenz (Dub Version)YuksekPierre Busson1:59
23SolgerhoodIron CurtisJohannes Paluka5:49
24The Beholder (Marco Bernardi’s Respect To Mix)Orlando VoornOrlando Voorn5:20
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