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Album Cover
Brom Brigade / The Braindrillers / Margaret Thrasher
3-way Split

Album RU 2008 on Chucky The Rat Records label
Alternative (Thrash, Punk, Hardcore)

1st press CD in jewelcase with 12-page booklet. Limited to 1000 copies. Тройной трэшкор заряд из российской глубинки. Первый релиз The Braindrillers (трэш / краст / пауэрвайленс из Тольятти), Brom Brigade (башкирский трэшкор / рокэнролл) посмертная запись. старые/новые песни от сибиряков Margaret Thrasher (поп / трэшкор, Иркутск). Эта запись не сносит мозг. Она заставляет плясать! Диск выпущен при участии нескольких лейблов: Bloodspit / Fast'n'Easy / ДиС дистро / Chucky The Rat / Love Pills & Whiskey / Beard Boy distro / Mu-Hu-Hu.

PortraitBrom Brigade ,
album by
PortraitThe Braindrillers ,
album by
PortraitMargaret Thrasher , RU
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1War With WarBrom Brigade1:35
2Open Your EyesBrom Brigade0:55
3To FriendsBrom Brigade1:11
4Just Say "NO!"Brom Brigade0:56
5Borders Of ConsciousnessBrom Brigade1:24
6Don't Sell MusicBrom Brigade0:57
7Dig It (The Beatles)Brom Brigade1:13
8Most People Must Be Executed By A Firing SquadThe Braindrillers0:59
9Senseless Senselessness Senselessly Compel You Shoot The PeopleThe Braindrillers0:22
10Your Head Full Of ShitThe Braindrillers1:17
11More Than 2 Kinds Of Political ExtremesThe Braindrillers1:06
12Bad ReligionThe Braindrillers0:58
13Fuck BureaucracyThe Braindrillers1:03
14Anarchists Are Capitalists TooThe Braindrillers0:57
15Untitled Bonus ThemeThe Braindrillers1:41
16If Punk Is Dead Next WinterMargaret Thrasher (2)1:02
17PopcornMargaret Thrasher (2)0:21
18Slow FoodMargaret Thrasher (2)0:41
19Where's Your Fucking Brain?Margaret Thrasher (2)0:14
20Summer Is ComingMargaret Thrasher (2)1:38
21Shitting ExcuseMargaret Thrasher (2)0:27
2299 Red Balloons (7 Seconds)Margaret Thrasher (2)3:34
23Hope. The Memories & LuckMargaret Thrasher (2)3:10
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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