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Album Cover
Bruce Molsky
Can't Stay Here This A-Way

Album US 2016 on Tiki Parlour Recordings label

Track timings not provided on packaging; taken from computer time listings.

PortraitBruce Molsky vn, bj, voc, *1955 US
banjo, fiddle, guitar, album by
Richard Hocutt producer
David Bragger recorded by, producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Shelving RockBruce Molsky2:21
2Old VirginiaBruce Molsky3:04
3Fiddle Or A DramBruce Molsky2:42
4Metis SetBruce Molsky5:49
5Brothers And SistersBruce Molsky5:20
6Red Rocking ChairBruce Molsky3:16
7Tie Your Dog, Sally GalBruce Molsky3:22
8Flying IndianBruce Molsky2:55
9Come HomeBruce Molsky4:03
10Morgan On The RailroadBruce Molsky2:24
11Married Man's BluesBruce Molsky3:09
12Laughing Boy SetBruce Molsky4:53
13Polly Put The Kettle OnBruce Molsky2:47
14Bye Bye Little GirlBruce Molsky2:54
15We'll Have A Way Hoeing CornBruce Molsky2:59
16 Solly's Favorite / Old SledgeBruce Molsky4:30

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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