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Bruno Spoerri

Compil. 2006 on Finders Keepers Records label
Electronic and Rock (Krautrock, Musique Concrète, Electro, Experimental)

All compositions originally from 1971-1980 A1 - 1978. Swiss TV rejected these tracks for a new TV-show as being too modern! The melody lines are played with a Lyricon I (multitracked), ARP Odyssey and EMS Synthi 100 A2 - 1978. Another Unused track from the same show. They wanted a very nervous rhythmic sound to enhance the tension - and then of course it was too rhythmic... A3 - 1972. PR-Disc for an Iron-Foundry company EMS Synthi-100, tape loops with sounds from the factory. A4 - Les Electroniciens - the original recording!(originally: Konzert für el. Fahrschalter, Hubhyrdraulik, el. Gitarre & Synthesizer) 1971, a PR-disc for the company Lansing-Bagnall. The strange noises are the real sounds of the machine, realised with the Synthi-100, 2 two-track tape machines. A5 - 1980 Documentary Film about an art exhibition in Zurich (dir, Ettore Cella, prod. André Amsler for Tope Film) realised with the Synthie 100 and prepared piano. B1 - 1978, Experimental film by Swiss filmmaker Kurt Aeschbacher (one evening of a striptease dancer). B2 - played by the band, overdubbed with saxophone, lyricon and synthis. B3 - from the same film music: the music accompanies the trip from the homeoutside Zurich to the cabaret - a lot of traffic, noises and anticipation. B4 - (originally: Konzert für SIG-Pressluftwerkzeuge) 1971, one of my first electronic works for an art exhibition. I did this track in one long night session in our living room and drove my familly almost crazy with it. It was played then in a trade exhibition in Basle, until everybody complained about the noise...realised with 2 two-track Revox tape machines (one with a loop), 1 Nagra mono tape recorder, the VCS-3 and an early Japanese Keio drum machine. B5 - 1972, Title music for a very successful Swiss TV-quiz, realised with the Synthi 100 and the rhythm section of the Radio Zürich Band. Gatefold cover. Publishing copyright control. Thanks to DJ Dino Lötscher. [P] Finders Keepers Records 2006 [C] Bruno Spoerri

PortraitBruno Spoerri , *1935 CH
album by
PortraitWalter Keiser dr, CH
PortraitThomas Möckel g, *1950 CH
drums, guitar
PortraitMartin A. Grütter ,
electric guitar
PortraitBarbara Fuchs ,
PortraitThomas Heidepriem b, eb, *1953 DE
PortraitCurt Treier dr, perc, CH
PortraitRenato Anselmi p, key, 1891-1973 CH
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Glückskugel - Title (Ball Of Luck)Bruno Spoerri
2Glückskugel - The RaceBruno Spoerri
3OederlinBruno Spoerri
4Les ElectroniciensBruno Spoerri
5Soft Art ThemeBruno Spoerri
6Lilith - Singing In The DarkBruno Spoerri
7Lilith - The DanceBruno Spoerri
8Lilith - On The WayBruno Spoerri
9Drillin'Bruno Spoerri
10Wer Gwünnt? (Who Wins?)Bruno Spoerri
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