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Album Cover
Bud Dashiell & The Kinsmen
Bud Dashiell & The Kinsmen

Album US 1961 on Warner Bros. Records label

Album Cover: "FIRST EDITION" Carson Parks (brother of Van Dyke Parks) listed as "C. Carson Parks" Liner notes include a photographic reproduction of a telegram from comedian Mort Sahl

PortraitBud Dashiell & The Kinsmen ,
album by
PortraitArmstrong - Parks ,
adapted by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Pom Pa LomBud Dashiell & The KinsmenDashiell - Armstrong - Parks
2Ka-Lu-ABud Dashiell & The KinsmenCaldwell - Kern
3Cafe PanellaBud Dashiell & The KinsmenBud Dashiell
4Far Side Of The HillBud Dashiell & The KinsmenVicki Arnold
5Wars Of Germany (Traditional)Bud Dashiell & The Kinsmen
6Alma LlaneraBud Dashiell & The KinsmenPedro Elías Gutiérrez
7I Talk To The TreesBud Dashiell & The KinsmenLerner - Loewe
8Meci Bon DieuBud Dashiell & The KinsmenBud Dashiell
9She Was Too Good To MeBud Dashiell & The KinsmenRodgers & Hart
10Jean And Dinah (Yankee Gone)Bud Dashiell & The KinsmenDon Raye & Mighty Sparrow
11Bald MountainBud Dashiell & The Kinsmen
12El Preso Numero NueveBud Dashiell & The KinsmenCantoral Brotherss
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
Other Search Results
Bud Dashiell & The Kinsmen with Bernie Armstrong Jr. and Everit Herter - Live Concert Extraord!nary - Bud Dashiell & The Kinsmen Sing Everybody's Hits US 1962 Folk
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